check this.

On Mon, Feb 24, 2020 at 9:08 AM David Magalhães <>

> Hi Robert, thanks for your reply.
> GlobalConfiguration.loadConfiguration was useful to check if a
> flink-conf.yml file was on resources, for the integration tests that I'm
> doing. On the cluster I will use the default configurations.
> On Fri, Feb 21, 2020 at 10:58 AM Robert Metzger <>
> wrote:
>> There are multiple ways of passing configuration parameters to your user
>> defined code in Flink
>> a)  use getRuntimeContext().getUserCodeClassLoader().getResource() to
>> load a config file from your user code jar or the classpath.
>> b)  use
>> getRuntimeContext().getExecutionConfig().getGlobalJobParameters() to
>> access a configuration object serialized from the main method.
>> you can pass a custom object to the job parameters, or use Flink's
>> "Configuration" object in your main method:
>> final StreamExecutionEnvironment env = 
>> StreamExecutionEnvironment.getExecutionEnvironment();
>> Configuration config = new Configuration();
>> config.setString("foo", "bar");
>> env.getConfig().setGlobalJobParameters(config);
>> c) Load the flink-conf.yaml:
>> Configuration conf = GlobalConfiguration.loadConfiguration();
>> I'm not 100% sure if this approach works, as it is not intended to be
>> used in user code (I believe).
>> Let me know if this helps!
>> Best,
>> Robert
>> On Thu, Feb 20, 2020 at 1:50 PM Chesnay Schepler <>
>> wrote:
>>> First things first, we do not intend for users to use anything in the S3
>>> filesystem modules except the filesystems itself,
>>> meaning that you're somewhat treading on unsupported ground here.
>>> Nevertheless, the S3 modules contain a large variety of AWS-provided
>>> CerentialsProvider implementations,
>>> that can derive credentials from environment variables, system
>>> properties, files on the classpath and many more.
>>> Ultimately though, you're kind of asking us how to use AWS APIs, for
>>> which I would direct you to the AWS documentation.
>>> On 20/02/2020 13:16, David Magalhães wrote:
>>> I'm using
>>> to create a S3 client to copy objects and delete object inside
>>> a TwoPhaseCommitSinkFunction.
>>> Shouldn't be another way to set up configurations without put them
>>> hardcoded ? Something like core-site.xml or flink-conf.yaml ?
>>> Right now I need to have them hardcoded like this.
>>> AmazonS3ClientBuilder.standard
>>>       .withPathStyleAccessEnabled(true)
>>>       .withEndpointConfiguration(
>>>         new EndpointConfiguration("http://minio:9000";, "us-east-1")
>>>       )
>>>       .withCredentials(
>>>         new AWSStaticCredentialsProvider(new
>>> BasicAWSCredentials("minio", "minio123"))
>>>       )
>>>       .build
>>> Thanks

Thanks & Regards
Sri Tummala

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