Hello community,

I am fairly new to Flink and have a question concerning utilization. I was hoping someone could help.

Knowing that backpressure is essentially the point at which utilization has reached 100% for any particular streaming pipeline and means that the application cannot "keep up" with the messages coming into the system.

I was wondering, assuming a fairly stable input throughput, is there a way of determining the average utilization as a percentage? Can we determine how much more capacity each operator has before backpressure kicks in from metrics alone, i.e. 60% of capacity for example? Knowing that the maximum throughput of the DSP application is dictated by the slowest part of the pipeline, we would need to identify the slowest operator and then average horizontally.

The only method that I can see of determining the point at which the system cannot keep up any longer is by scaling the input throughput slowly until the backpressure HIGH alarm is shown and hence the number of messages/sec is known.

Yes I know this is a gross oversimplification and there are many many factors that need to be taken into account when dealing with backpressure, but it would be nice to have a general indicator, a rough estimate is fine.

Thank you in advance.


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