
Could you share the stack traces?


forideal <fszw...@163.com> 于2020年4月18日周六 上午12:33写道:

> Hello friend
> I have two SQL, checkpoint fails all the time. One task is to open a
> sliding window for an hour, and then another task consumes the output data
> of the previous task. There will be no problem with the two tasks submitted
> separately.
> -- first Calculation-- second Write the calculation to redis-- firstinsert 
> into
>   dw_access_logselect
>   time_key,
>   query_nor,
>   query_nor_counter,
>   '1' as group_keyfrom(
>     select
>       HOP_START(
>         event_time_fake,
>         interval '1' MINUTE,
>         interval '60' MINUTE
>       ) as time_key,
>       query_nor,
>       count(1) as query_nor_counter
>     from(
>         select
>           RED_JSON_VALUE(request, '$.query_nor') as query_nor,
>           RED_JSON_VALUE(request, '$.target') as target,
>           event_time_fake
>         from
>           (
>             select
>               red_pb_parser(body, 'request') as request,
>               event_time_fake
>             from
>               access_log_source
>           )
>       )
>     group by
>       query_nor,
>       HOP(   -- sliding window size one hour, step one minute        
> event_time_fake,
>         interval '1' MINUTE,
>         interval '60' MINUTE
>       )
>   )where
>   query_nor_counter > 100;
> -- secondinsert into
>   dw_sink_access_logselect
>   'fix_key' as `key`,
>   get_json_value(query_nor, query_nor_counter) as `value` -- agg_funcfrom
>   dw_access_loggroup by
>   tumble (time_key_fake, interval '1' MINUTE),
>   group_key
> Article Link:https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/132764573
> Picture Link:
> https://pic4.zhimg.com/80/v2-d3b1105b1419fef3ea6b9176085a5597_1440w.jpg
> https://pic3.zhimg.com/80/v2-b6ea7b4a8368c4bae03afb94c723bcca_1440w.jpg
> Best, forideal

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