Posting an update here, because it came up again:

Have a look at specifically
this comment:

> There is a hidden/experimental feature in the sorter to offload large
records, but it is not active by default.
> You can try and add "taskmanager.runtime.large-record-handler: true" to
the config.
> The reason why it is a "hidden feature" is that it has some restrictions:
The key must be serializable by Flink's default serializers and
> regonized by the TypeExtractor, meaning you cannot use a custom
serializer or a specific type information.
> For keys that are string, int, long, arrays, simple POJOs etc. it should
be fine. For keys that are Avro types with a specific schema,
> or types with custom serializers (including custom Kryo serializers) it
might not work.

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