How do I test process functions? I tried by implementing a sink function
that stores myProcessFunction's output in a list. After env.execute(), I
use assertions.
If I set a breakpoint in the myTestSink's invoke() method, I see that that
method is being called correctly. However, after env.execute() returns, all
data in sink functions is wiped clean.

TestSink myTestSink = new myTestSink();
testStream.process(new myProcessFunction()).addSink(myTestSink);
assertEquals(expectedOutput, myTestSink.actual);

What am I doing wrong?
 Also, I see that a ProcessFunctionTestHarnesses has been added in 1.10. I
wasn't able to download its sources to understand how I could use that.
Have the sources not been added to maven or is it a problem at my end?


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