Hello, I’m trying to install Ververica (community edition for a simple poc 
deploy) via helm using these 
directions<https://docs.ververica.com/installation/helm/index.html>, but the 
pod is failing with the following error:

org.springframework.context.ApplicationContextException: Unable to start web 
server; nested exception is 
org.springframework.boot.web.server.WebServerException: Unable to create 
tempDir. java.io.tmpdir is set to /tmp

By default, our file system is immutable in k8s. Usually for this error, we’d 
mount an emptyDir volume. I’ve tried to do that in ververica’s values.yaml 
file, but I might be configuring it incorrectly. Here is the relevant portion 
of the values.yaml. I can include the entire file if it’s helpful. Any advice 
on how to alter these values or proceed with the ververica installation with a 
read only file system?

  - name: tmp
    emptyDir: {}
## Container configuration for the appmanager component
    repository: registry.ververica.com/v2.1/vvp-appmanager
    tag: 2.1.0
    pullPolicy: Always
      - mountPath: /tmp
        name: tmp
      cpu: 1000m
      memory: 1Gi
      cpu: 250m
      memory: 1Gi

  artifactFetcherTag: 2.1.0

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