Hi, Anuj.

>From my understanding, you could send IndexRequest to the indexer in
`ElasticsearchSink`. It will create a document under the given index
and type. So, it seems you only need to get the timestamp and concat
the `date` to your index. Am I understanding that correctly? Or do you
want to emit only 1 record per day?

Yangze Guo

On Fri, May 29, 2020 at 2:43 AM aj <ajainje...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello All,
> I am getting many events in Kafka and I have written a link job that sinks 
> that Avro records from Kafka to S3 in parquet format.
> Now, I want to sink these records into elastic search. but the only challenge 
> is that I want to sink record on time indices. Basically, In Elastic, I want 
> to create a per day index with the date as the suffix.
> So in Flink stream job if I create an es sink how will I change the sink to 
> start writing  in a new index when the first event of the day arrives
> Thanks,
> Anuj.

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