Ok, this is great to know.  So in my case; I have a k8 pod that has a limit
of 4Gb.  I should remove the -Xmx and add one of these -D parameters.

* taskmanager.memory.flink.size
* *taskmanager.memory.process.size.   <- Probably this one*
* taskmanager.memory.task.heap.size and taskmanager.memory.managed.size

So that i don't run into pod memory quotas

On Fri, Jun 12, 2020 at 11:12 AM Xintong Song <tonysong...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I would suggest not to set -Xmx.
> Flink will always calculate the JVM heap size from the configuration and
> set a proper -Xmx.
> If you manually set -Xmx that overwrites the one Flink calculated, it
> might result in unpredictable behaviors.
> Please refer to this document[1]. In short, you could leverage the
> configuration option "taskmanager.memory.task.heap.size", and an additional
> constant framework overhead will be added to this value for -Xmx.
> Thank you~
> Xintong Song
> [1]
> https://ci.apache.org/projects/flink/flink-docs-release-1.10/ops/memory/mem_detail.html#jvm-parameters
> On Fri, Jun 12, 2020 at 4:50 PM Clay Teeter <clay.tee...@maalka.com>
> wrote:
>> Thank you Xintong, while tracking down the existence of
>> bash-java-utils.jar I found a bug in my CI scripts that incorrectly built
>> the wrong version of flink.  I fixed this and then added a -Xmx value.
>> env:
>>           - name: FLINK_ENV_JAVA_OPTS
>>             value: "-Xmx{{ .Values.analytics.flink.taskManagerHeapSize }}"
>> It's running perfectly now!
>> Thank you again,
>> Clay
>> On Fri, Jun 12, 2020 at 5:13 AM Xintong Song <tonysong...@gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>>> Hi Clay,
>>> Could you verify the "taskmanager.sh" used is the same script shipped
>>> with Flink-1.10.1? Or a custom script is used? Also, does the jar file
>>> "bash-java-utils.jar" exist in your Flink bin directory?
>>> In Flink 1.10, the memory configuration for a TaskManager works as
>>> follows.
>>>    - "taskmanager.sh" executes "bash-java-utils.jar" for the memory
>>>    calculations
>>>    - "bash-java-utils.jar" will read your "flink-conf.yaml" and all the
>>>    "-D" arguments, and calculate memory sizes accordingly
>>>    - "bash-java-utils.jar" will then return the memory calculation
>>>    results as two strings, for JVM parameter ("-Xmx", "-Xms", etc.) and
>>>    dynamic configurations ("-D") respectively
>>>    - At this step, all the detailed memory sizes should be determined
>>>       - That means, even for memory sizes not configured by you, there
>>>       should be an exact value generated in the returned dynamic 
>>> configuration
>>>       - That also means, for memory components configured in ranges
>>>       (e.g., network memory configured through a pair of [min, max]),
>>>       a deterministic value should be decided and both min/max configuration
>>>       options should already been overwrite to that value
>>>    - "taskmanager.sh" starts the task manager JVM process with the
>>>    returned JVM parameters, and passes the dynamic configurations as 
>>> arguments
>>>    into the task manager process. These dynamic configurations will be read 
>>> by
>>>    Flink task manager so that memory will be managed accordingly.
>>> Flink task manager expects all the memory configurations are already set
>>> (thus network min/max should have the same value) before it's started. In
>>> your case, it seems such configurations are missing. Same for the cpu cores.
>>> Thank you~
>>> Xintong Song
>>> On Fri, Jun 12, 2020 at 12:58 AM Clay Teeter <clay.tee...@maalka.com>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Hi flink fans,
>>>> I'm hoping for an easy solution.  I'm trying to upgrade my 9.3 cluster
>>>> to flink 10.1, but i'm running into memory configuration errors.
>>>> Such as:
>>>> *Caused by:
>>>> org.apache.flink.configuration.IllegalConfigurationException: The network
>>>> memory min (64 mb) and max (1 gb) mismatch, the network memory has to be
>>>> resolved and set to a fixed value before task executor starts*
>>>> *Caused by:
>>>> org.apache.flink.configuration.IllegalConfigurationException: The required
>>>> configuration option Key: 'taskmanager.cpu.cores' , default: null (fallback
>>>> keys: []) is not set*
>>>> I was able to fix a cascade of errors by explicitly setting these
>>>> values:
>>>> taskmanager.memory.managed.size: {{
>>>> .Values.analytics.flink.taskManagerManagedSize }}
>>>> taskmanager.memory.task.heap.size: {{
>>>> .Values.analytics.flink.taskManagerHeapSize }}
>>>> taskmanager.memory.jvm-metaspace.size: 500m
>>>> taskmanager.cpu.cores: 4
>>>> So, the documentation implies that flink will default many of these
>>>> values, however my 101. cluster doesn't seem to be doing this.  9.3, worked
>>>> great!
>>>> Do I really have to set all the memory (even network) values?  If not,
>>>> what am I missing?
>>>> If i do have to set all the memory parameters, how do I resolve "The
>>>> network memory min (64 mb) and max (1 gb) mismatch"?
>>>> My cluster runs standalone jobs on kube
>>>> flnk-config.yaml:
>>>>     state.backend: rocksdb
>>>>     state.backend.incremental: true
>>>>     state.checkpoints.num-retained: 1
>>>>     taskmanager.memory.managed.size: {{
>>>> .Values.analytics.flink.taskManagerManagedSize }}
>>>>     taskmanager.memory.task.heap.size: {{
>>>> .Values.analytics.flink.taskManagerHeapSize }}
>>>>     taskmanager.memory.jvm-metaspace.size: 500m
>>>>     taskmanager.cpu.cores: 4
>>>>     taskmanager.numberOfTaskSlots: {{
>>>> .Values.analytics.task.numberOfTaskSlots }}
>>>>     parallelism.default: {{ .Values.analytics.flink.parallelism }}
>>>> JobManger:
>>>>         command: ["/opt/flink/bin/standalone-job.sh"]
>>>>         args: ["start-foreground", "-j={{
>>>> .Values.analytics.flinkRunnable }}",  ...
>>>> TakManager
>>>>         command: ["/opt/flink/bin/taskmanager.sh"]
>>>>         args: [
>>>>           "start-foreground",
>>>>           "-Djobmanager.rpc.address=localhost",
>>>>           "-Dmetrics.reporter.prom.port=9430"]

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