Thanks for the reply Chen.

My use case is a "simple" get from Kafka into S3. The job can read very
quickly from Kafka and S3 is having some issues keeping up. The
backpressure don't have enough time to actuate in this case, and when it
reaches the checkpoint time some errors like heartbeat timeout or task
manager didn't reply back starts to happen.

I will investigate further and try this example.

On Mon, Jul 6, 2020 at 5:45 PM Chen Qin <> wrote:

> My two cents here,
> - flink job already has back pressure so rate limit can be done via
> setting parallelism to proper number in some use cases. There is an open
> issue of checkpointing reliability when back pressure, community seems
> working on it.
> - rate limit can be abused easily and cause lot of confusions. Think about
> a use case where you have two streams do a simple interval join. Unless you
> were able to rate limit both with proper value dynamiclly, you might see
> timestamp and watermark gaps keep increasing causing checkpointing failure.
> So the question might be, instead of looking at rate limit of one source,
> how to slow down all sources without ever increasing time, wm gaps. It
> sounds complicated already.
> with what being said, if you really want to have rate limit on your own,
> you can try following code :) It works well for us.
> public class SynchronousKafkaConsumer<T> extends FlinkKafkaConsumer<T> {
>   protected static final Logger LOG = 
> LoggerFactory.getLogger(SynchronousKafkaConsumer.class);
>   private final double topicRateLimit;
>   private transient RateLimiter subtaskRateLimiter;
> @Override
> public void open(Configuration configuration) throws Exception {
>   Preconditions.checkArgument(
>       topicRateLimit / getRuntimeContext().getNumberOfParallelSubtasks() > 
> 0.1,
>       "subtask ratelimit should be greater than 0.1 QPS");
>   subtaskRateLimiter = RateLimiter.create(
>       topicRateLimit / getRuntimeContext().getNumberOfParallelSubtasks());
> }
> @Override
> protected AbstractFetcher<T, ?> createFetcher(
>     SourceContext<T> sourceContext,
>     Map<KafkaTopicPartition, Long> partitionsWithOffsets,
>     SerializedValue<AssignerWithPeriodicWatermarks<T>> watermarksPeriodic,
>     SerializedValue<AssignerWithPunctuatedWatermarks<T>> watermarksPunctuated,
>     StreamingRuntimeContext runtimeContext,
>     OffsetCommitMode offsetCommitMode,
>     MetricGroup consumerMetricGroup, boolean useMetrics)
>     throws Exception {
>   return new KafkaFetcher<T>(
>       sourceContext,
>       partitionsWithOffsets,
>       watermarksPeriodic,
>       watermarksPunctuated,
>       runtimeContext.getProcessingTimeService(),
>       runtimeContext.getExecutionConfig().getAutoWatermarkInterval(),
>       runtimeContext.getUserCodeClassLoader(),
>       runtimeContext.getTaskNameWithSubtasks(),
>       deserializer,
>       properties,
>       pollTimeout,
>       runtimeContext.getMetricGroup(),
>       consumerMetricGroup,
>       useMetrics) {
>     @Override
>     protected void emitRecord(T record,
>                               KafkaTopicPartitionState<TopicPartition> 
> partitionState,
>                               long offset) throws Exception {
>       subtaskRateLimiter.acquire();
>       if (record == null) {
>         consumerMetricGroup.counter("invalidRecord").inc();
>       }
>       super.emitRecord(record, partitionState, offset);
>     }
>     @Override
>     protected void emitRecordWithTimestamp(T record,
> KafkaTopicPartitionState<TopicPartition> partitionState,
>                                            long offset, long timestamp) 
> throws Exception {
>       subtaskRateLimiter.acquire();
>       if (record == null) {
>         consumerMetricGroup.counter("invalidRecord").inc();
>       }
>       super.emitRecordWithTimestamp(record, partitionState, offset, 
> timestamp);
>     }
>   };
> }
> Thanks,
> Chen
> Pinterest Data
> On Jul 6, 2020, at 7:43 AM, David Magalhães <> wrote:
> I've noticed that this FLINK-11501 was implemented in
> flink-connector-kafka-0.10 [1], but it wasn't in the current version of the
> flink-connector-kafka. There is any reason for this, and why should be the
> best solution to implement a rate limit functionality in the current Kafka
> consumer?
> Thanks,
> David
> [1]
> [2]

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