Read kafka message and  write the message to MySQL
Writing to database is the bottleneck when too much message is sent to kafka 
with high throughput. 

So i want to change the operator to asynchronously. 

 public void asyncInvoke(ObjectNode node, ResultFuture<Integer> resultFuture) 
throws Exception {
    SqlProvider sqlProvider = new SqlProvider();

    String tableName = node.get("metadata").get("topic").asText();
    String sql = sqlProvider.getSql(node);
    CompletableFuture.supplyAsync(new Supplier<Integer>() {
        public Integer get() {
            return Integer.valueOf(namedTemplate.update(sql, 
    }).thenAccept((Integer res) -> {


I want to know if there will be order issues. 
For example the kafaka message order is:
First:          update table table1 set a = 1
Second:     update table table1 set a = 2

It is possible that the final value in database is 1 instead of 2.


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