Hi Flink community,

I have two questions regarding the Ververica Flink Training resources.

1. In the official Flink documentation, the hyperlinks to the github sites
for the exercises in the "Learn Flink" section are not working. If
possible, please provide me with the correct links for the exercises.

2. The schema of the Taxi Fares dataset matches with the old dataset
(nycTaxiFares.gz). However, the schema of the Taxi Ride dataset given in
the Ververica github site does not seem to match the dataset in the old
file (nycTaxiRides.gz). Please advise.

Given Schema: rideId, taxiId, driverId, isStart, startTime, endTime,
startLon, startLat, endLon, endLat, passengerCnt

nycTaxiRides.gz sample line (after extracting to file
nycTaxiRides4): 6,START,2013-01-01 00:00:00,1970-01-01

Thank you!


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