Thank you for ideas.
Do you suggest to use new backend with unit test or integration test?


From: Arvid Heise <>
Sent: Monday, September 14, 2020 4:26:47 AM
To: Dawid Wysakowicz <>
Cc: Alexey Trenikhun <>; Flink User Mail List 
Subject: Re: Unit Test for KeyedProcessFunction with out-of-core state

Hi Alexey,

Definition of test levels are always a bit blurry when writing tests for a data 
processing framework, but I'm convinced that in your case, you should rather 
think in terms of integration tests than unit tests:
* Unit test should really just be about business logic
* If it's about specific implementation details of other components, it should 
rather go in an integration test.

You can still structure your code that only half of the pipeline or even just 
one step is executed in an ITCase, but it's much harder to do all the mocking 
than simply executing a small Flink program with a local runner. ITCases are 
really fast and will not limit the portability of your program to newer Flink 
version (which mocking of components usually do).

Another idea for your specific use case would be to implement a backend that 
delegates to HeapMemory but copies all values on retrieval.

On Mon, Sep 7, 2020 at 5:49 PM Dawid Wysakowicz 
<<>> wrote:

Hi Alexey,

There is no mock for RocksDB. Moreover I am not sure what would be the use case 
for one. If you want to test specifically against RocksDB then you can use it 
in the test harness Gordon mentioned.

On 04/09/2020 16:31, Alexey Trenikhun wrote:
Hi Gordon,
We already use [1]. Unfortunately it doesn’t allow to detect out-of-core 
specific bugs like this:
POJO v = myMapState.get(myKey):
// missing myMapState.put(myKey, v);


From: Tzu-Li (Gordon) Tai <><>
Sent: Friday, September 4, 2020 12:35:48 AM
To: Alexey Trenikhun <><>
Cc: Flink User Mail List <><>
Subject: Re: Unit Test for KeyedProcessFunction with out-of-core state

Hi Alexey,

Is there a specific reason why you want to test against RocksDB?

Otherwise, in Flink tests we use a `KeyedOneInputStreamOperatorTestHarness` [1] 
that allows you to wrap a user function and eliminate the need to worry about 
setting up heavy runtime context / dependencies such as the state backend.
As a unit test, this should be sufficient for you to implement basic test 
scenarios for your function, such as expected output given inputs, state etc.
Does this provide what you are looking for?



On Fri, Sep 4, 2020 at 2:28 AM Alexey Trenikhun 
<<>> wrote:
I want to unit test KeyedProcessFunction which uses with out-of-core state 
(like rocksdb).
Does Flink has mock for rocksdb, which can be used in unit tests ?



Arvid Heise | Senior Java Developer


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