Hi Dan,

I am afraid there is no mechanism to do that purely in the Table API
yet. Or I am not aware of one. If the reinterpretAsKeyedStream works for
you, you could use this approach and convert a DataStream (with the
reinterpretAsKeyedStream applied) to a Table[1] and then continue with
the Table API.

On the topic of reinterpretAsKeyedStream, I wanted to stress out one
thing. I'd like to bring your attention to this warning:

> *WARNING*: The re-interpreted data stream *MUST* already be
> pre-partitioned in *EXACTLY* the same way Flink’s keyBy would
> partition the data in a shuffle w.r.t. key-group assignment.
I think it is not trivial(or even not possible?) to achieve unless both
the producer and the consumer are Flink jobs with the same parallelism.




On 16/09/2020 18:22, Dan Hill wrote:
> Hi Piotr!  Yes, that's what I'm using with DataStream.  It works well
> in my prototype.
> On Wed, Sep 16, 2020 at 8:58 AM Piotr Nowojski <pnowoj...@apache.org
> <mailto:pnowoj...@apache.org>> wrote:
>     Hi,
>     Have you seen "Reinterpreting a pre-partitioned data stream as
>     keyed stream" feature? [1] However I'm not sure if and how can it
>     be integrated with the Table API. Maybe someone more familiar with
>     the Table API can help with that?
>     Piotrek
>     [1] 
> https://ci.apache.org/projects/flink/flink-docs-stable/dev/stream/experimental.html#reinterpreting-a-pre-partitioned-data-stream-as-keyed-stream
>     śr., 16 wrz 2020 o 05:35 Dan Hill <quietgol...@gmail.com
>     <mailto:quietgol...@gmail.com>> napisał(a):
>         How do I avoid unnecessary reshuffles when using Kafka as
>         input?  My keys in Kafka are ~userId.  The first few stages do
>         joins that are usually (userId, someOtherKeyId).  It makes
>         sense for these joins to stay on the same machine and avoid
>         unnecessary shuffling.
>         What's the best way to avoid unnecessary shuffling when using
>         Table SQL interface?  I see PARTITION BY on TABLE.  I'm not
>         sure how to specify the keys for Kafka.

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