Thanks for the feedback. I've created a JIRA here

@Dan: This indeed would make it easier to set a lifetime property on
objects created by Flink, but actually if you want to apply it to all your
objects for a given bucket you can set bucket wide policies instead. The
reason I want this is that we have a shared bucket and wish to tag
different objects based on which pipeline is producing them.

On Tue, Oct 13, 2020 at 4:13 AM Dan Diephouse <> wrote:

> We use the StreamingFileSink. An option to expire files after some time
> period would certainly be welcome. (I could probably figure out a way to do
> this from the S3 admin UI too though)
> On Sat, Oct 10, 2020 at 10:45 PM Padarn Wilson <> wrote:
>> Hi Flink Users,
>> We need to expose some additional options for the s3 hadoop filesystem:
>> Specifically, we want to set object tagging and lifecycle. This would be a
>> fairly easy change and we initially thought to create a new Filsystem with
>> very minor changes to allow this.
>> However then I wondered, would others use this? If it something that is
>> worth raising as a Flink issue and then contributing back upstream.
>> Any others who would like to be able to set object tags for the s3
>> filesystem?
>> Cheers,
>> Padarn
> --
> Dan Diephouse
> @dandiep

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