Hi experts,
I am running a flink job cluster, the application jar is packaged together
with flink in a docker image. The flink job cluster is running in
kubernetes, the restart strategy is below

restart-strategy: failure-rate
restart-strategy.failure-rate.max-failures-per-interval: 20
restart-strategy.failure-rate.failure-rate-interval: 3 min
restart-strategy.failure-rate.delay: 100 ms

The job manager is not setup in HA mode, so only 1 pod.

What I have observed is the job manager pod has restarted a few times, and
when it restarts, it will start as a new flink job (hence a new flink job
id), so it seems it could not restart from the last successful checkpoint,
highlighted in yellow is what the evidence.

So I wonder in this case, should I set the flink job as a fixed value? (if
there is a way to set it), or should I set the restart strategy to retry
infinite? Or something else I should do?

Thanks a lot!

{"@timestamp":"2020-10-21T09:45:30.571Z","@version":"1","message":"1 tasks
should be restarted to recover the failed task

9ikvi0743v9rkayb1qof (0b4c1ed9cd2cb47ee99ddb173a9beee5) switched from state
Could not submit task because there is no JobManager associated for the job

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