Hey there,

I noticed that when building and testing Flink itself, logging seems to be
non-existing or very quiet.

I had a look at the logging conf files (such
as flink-tests/src/test/resources/log4j2-test.properties) and the pattern
seems to be that the logging is turned off in tests. At least it looks like
that to me in the conf files and I couldn't find any logs.

I understand that excessive logging can cause flooding of build logs, when
logging to stderr and this can be a problem in e.g. the CI environment. Is
there some other rationale why logging is disabled?

It'd be super nice if one could somehow globally enable test logging and
log to e.g. rolling log files. Is there such a mechanism?

Missing logs can be a problem with testing locally. If you hit such an
issue when running the tests locally that the logs would help to fix, there
are no logs and you need to enable logging and re-run the tests. This is
not great. And if the bug is a "Heisenbug" you might not find the bug on
the re-run.


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