
I need to try out the SQL editor in Ververica platform 2.3.

It requires to configure the persistence stack as local, which I did.
It also requires a blob storage. To keep things simple, I'd like to
configure a blob storage as local file system, or k8s volume. Configuring
it as:

  blobStorage: {}
    ## The base URI for universal blob storage.
    ## If unset, universal blob storage is disabled. If credentials are
required, add them to the
    ## "Blob storage credentials" section below.
    baseUri: "file://tmp/"

gives me the following error:
Error: failed to parse values.yaml: error converting YAML to JSON: yaml:
line 86: did not find expected key

I'm very new to kubernetes, I'm just trying to get the platform running as
fast as possible since we only have 2 weeks to try the SQL editor.
Therefore I'd be very happy with the exact configuration to put there to
have it running on a k8s volume.

Thanks a lot for your help.

Best Regards,

*Laurent Exsteens*
Data Engineer
(M) +32 (0) 486 20 48 36


Rue Emile Francqui, 4

1435 Mont-Saint-Guibert

(T) +32 10 75 02 00

*euranova.eu <http://euranova.eu/>*

*research.euranova.eu* <http://research.euranova.eu/>

♻ Be green, keep it on the screen

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