Hi Kevin,

I expect the 1.12.0 release to happen within the next 3 weeks.


On Tue, Nov 24, 2020 at 4:23 AM Yang Wang <danrtsey...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi Kevin,
> Let me try to understand your problem. You have added the trusted keystore
> to the Flink app image(my-flink-app:0.0.1)
> and it could not be loaded. Right? Even though you tunnel in the pod, you
> could not find the key store. It is strange.
> I know it is not very convenient to bundle the keystore in the image.
> Mounting them from ConfigMap could make things
> easier. The reason why we still not have this (make
> ConfigMap/PersistentVolume mountable via Flink config option) is that
> pod template[1] may be a more common way to get this done.
> [1]. https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/FLINK-15656
> Best,
> Yang
> Till Rohrmann <trohrm...@apache.org> 于2020年11月23日周一 下午11:01写道:
>> Thanks for reaching out to the Flink community Kevin. Yes, with Flink
>> 1.12.0 it should be possible to mount secrets with your K8s deployment.
>> From the posted stack trace it is not possible to see what exactly is going
>> wrong. Could you maybe post the complete logs? I am also pulling in Yang
>> Wang who is most knowledgeable about Flink's K8s integration.
>> Cheers,
>> Till
>> On Sun, Nov 22, 2020 at 12:49 PM Kevin Kwon <fsw0...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> I think what we need in the Native Kubernetis Config is to mount custom
>>> ConfigMap, Secrets, and Volumes
>>> I see that in the upcoming release, Secrets are able to get mounted
>>> https://github.com/apache/flink/pull/14005 <- also can maintainers look
>>> into this PR so we can mount other custom K8S resources?
>>> On Fri, Nov 20, 2020 at 9:23 PM Kevin Kwon <fsw0...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Hi I am using MinIO as a S3 mock backend for Native K8S
>>>> Everything seems to be fine except that it cannot connect to S3 since
>>>> self-signed certificates' trusted store are not cloned in Deployment
>>>> resources
>>>> Below is in order, how I add the trusted keystore by using keytools and
>>>> how I run my app with the built image
>>>> FROM registry.local/mde/my-flink-app:0.0.1
>>>> COPY s3/certs/public.crt $FLINK_HOME/s3-e2e-public.crt
>>>> RUN keytool \
>>>>   -noprompt \
>>>>   -alias s3-e2e-public \
>>>>   -importcert \
>>>>   -trustcacerts \
>>>>   -keystore $JAVA_HOME/lib/security/cacerts \
>>>>   -storepass changeit \
>>>>   -file $FLINK_HOME/s3-e2e-public.crt
>>>> $FLINK_HOME/bin/flink run-application \
>>>>   -t kubernetes-application \
>>>>     -Denv.java.opts="-Dkafka.brokers=kafka-external:9092 
>>>> -Dkafka.schema-registry.url=kafka-schemaregistry:8081" \
>>>>     -Dkubernetes.container-start-command-template="%java% %classpath% 
>>>> %jvmmem% %jvmopts% %logging% %class% %args%" \
>>>>     -Dkubernetes.cluster-id=${K8S_CLUSTERID} \
>>>> -Dkubernetes.container.image=${DOCKER_REPO}/${ORGANISATION}/${APP_NAME}:${APP_VERSION}
>>>>  \
>>>>     -Dkubernetes.namespace=${K8S_NAMESPACE} \
>>>>     -Dkubernetes.rest-service.exposed.type=${K8S_RESTSERVICE_EXPOSED_TYPE} 
>>>> \
>>>>     -Dkubernetes.taskmanager.cpu=${K8S_TASKMANAGER_CPU} \
>>>>     -Dresourcemanager.taskmanager-timeout=3600000 \
>>>>     -Dtaskmanager.memory.process.size=${TASKMANAGER_MEMORY_PROCESS_SIZE} \
>>>>     -Dtaskmanager.numberOfTaskSlots=${TASKMANAGER_NUMBEROFTASKSLOTS} \
>>>>     -Ds3.endpoint=s3:443 \
>>>>     -Ds3.access-key=${S3_ACCESSKEY} \
>>>>     -Ds3.secret-key=${S3_SECRETKEY} \
>>>>     -Ds3.path.style.access=true \
>>>>     -Dstate.backend=filesystem \
>>>>     -Dstate.checkpoints.dir=s3://${ORGANISATION}/${APP_NAME}/checkpoint \
>>>>     -Dstate.savepoints.dir=s3://${ORGANISATION}/${APP_NAME}/savepoint \
>>>>     local://${FLINK_HOME}/usrlib/${APP_NAME}-assembly-${APP_VERSION}.jar
>>>> However, I get the following error and I don't see my trusted key in 
>>>> keytools when I login to the pod (seems the trustedstore is not cloned)
>>>> Caused by: org.apache.flink.util.FlinkRuntimeException: Failed to create 
>>>> checkpoint storage at checkpoint coordinator side.
>>>>         at 
>>>> org.apache.flink.runtime.checkpoint.CheckpointCoordinator.<init>(CheckpointCoordinator.java:305)
>>>>  ~[flink-dist_2.12-1.11.2.jar:1.11.2]
>>>>         at 
>>>> org.apache.flink.runtime.checkpoint.CheckpointCoordinator.<init>(CheckpointCoordinator.java:224)
>>>>  ~[flink-dist_2.12-1.11.2.jar:1.11.2]
>>>>         at 
>>>> org.apache.flink.runtime.executiongraph.ExecutionGraph.enableCheckpointing(ExecutionGraph.java:483)
>>>>  ~[flink-dist_2.12-1.11.2.jar:1.11.2]
>>>>         at 
>>>> org.apache.flink.runtime.executiongraph.ExecutionGraphBuilder.buildGraph(ExecutionGraphBuilder.java:338)
>>>>  ~[flink-dist_2.12-1.11.2.jar:1.11.2]
>>>>         at 
>>>> org.apache.flink.runtime.scheduler.SchedulerBase.createExecutionGraph(SchedulerBase.java:269)
>>>>  ~[flink-dist_2.12-1.11.2.jar:1.11.2]
>>>>         at 
>>>> org.apache.flink.runtime.scheduler.SchedulerBase.createAndRestoreExecutionGraph(SchedulerBase.java:242)
>>>>  ~[flink-dist_2.12-1.11.2.jar:1.11.2]
>>>>         at 
>>>> org.apache.flink.runtime.scheduler.SchedulerBase.<init>(SchedulerBase.java:229)
>>>>  ~[flink-dist_2.12-1.11.2.jar:1.11.2]
>>>>         at 
>>>> org.apache.flink.runtime.scheduler.DefaultScheduler.<init>(DefaultScheduler.java:119)
>>>>  ~[flink-dist_2.12-1.11.2.jar:1.11.2]
>>>>         at 
>>>> org.apache.flink.runtime.scheduler.DefaultSchedulerFactory.createInstance(DefaultSchedulerFactory.java:103)
>>>>  ~[flink-dist_2.12-1.11.2.jar:1.11.2]
>>>>         at 
>>>> org.apache.flink.runtime.jobmaster.JobMaster.createScheduler(JobMaster.java:284)
>>>>  ~[flink-dist_2.12-1.11.2.jar:1.11.2]
>>>>         at 
>>>> org.apache.flink.runtime.jobmaster.JobMaster.<init>(JobMaster.java:272) 
>>>> ~[flink-dist_2.12-1.11.2.jar:1.11.2]
>>>>         at 
>>>> org.apache.flink.runtime.jobmaster.factories.DefaultJobMasterServiceFactory.createJobMasterService(DefaultJobMasterServiceFactory.java:98)
>>>>  ~[flink-dist_2.12-1.11.2.jar:1.11.2]
>>>>         at 
>>>> org.apache.flink.runtime.jobmaster.factories.DefaultJobMasterServiceFactory.createJobMasterService(DefaultJobMasterServiceFactory.java:40)
>>>>  ~[flink-dist_2.12-1.11.2.jar:1.11.2]
>>>>         at 
>>>> org.apache.flink.runtime.jobmaster.JobManagerRunnerImpl.<init>(JobManagerRunnerImpl.java:140)
>>>>  ~[flink-dist_2.12-1.11.2.jar:1.11.2]
>>>>         at 
>>>> org.apache.flink.runtime.dispatcher.DefaultJobManagerRunnerFactory.createJobManagerRunner(DefaultJobManagerRunnerFactory.java:84)
>>>>  ~[flink-dist_2.12-1.11.2.jar:1.11.2]
>>>>         at 
>>>> org.apache.flink.runtime.dispatcher.Dispatcher.lambda$createJobManagerRunner$6(Dispatcher.java:388)
>>>>  ~[flink-dist_2.12-1.11.2.jar:1.11.2]
>>>>         at 
>>>> java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture$AsyncSupply.run(CompletableFuture.java:1604)
>>>>  ~[?:1.8.0_265]
>>>>         ... 6 more
>>>> Caused by: org.apache.hadoop.fs.s3a.AWSClientIOException: doesBucketExist 
>>>> on mde: com.amazonaws.SdkClientException: Unable to execute HTTP request: 
>>>> Unrecognized SSL message, plaintext connection?: Unable to execute HTTP 
>>>> request: Unrecognized SSL message, plaintext connection?

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