Hi Niklas,

Thanks a lot for supporting PyFlink. In fact, your requirement for multiple
input and multiple output is essentially Table Aggregation Functions[1].
Although PyFlink does not support it yet, we have listed it in the release
1.13 plan. In addition, row-based operations[2] that are very user-friendly
to machine learning users are also included in the 1.13 plan.



Niklas Wilcke <niklas.wil...@uniberg.com> 于2020年11月26日周四 下午5:11写道:

> Hi Xingbo,
> thanks for taking care and letting me know. I was about to share an
> example, how to reproduce this.
> Now I will wait for the next release candidate and give it a try.
> Regards,
> Niklas
> --
> niklas.wil...@uniberg.com
> Mobile: +49 160 9793 2593
> Office: +49 40 2380 6523
> Simon-von-Utrecht-Straße 85a
> 20359 Hamburg
> Registergericht: Amtsgericht Kiel HRB SE-1507
> Geschäftsführer: Andreas Möller, Martin Ulbricht
> Information Art. 13 DSGVO B2B:
> Für die Kommunikation mit Ihnen verarbeiten wir ggf.
> Ihre personenbezogenen Daten.
> Alle Informationen zum Umgang mit Ihren Daten finden Sie unter
> https://www.uniberg.com/impressum.html.
> On 26. Nov 2020, at 02:59, Xingbo Huang <hxbks...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Niklas,
> Regarding `Exception in thread "grpc-nio-worker-ELG-3-2"
> java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError:
> org/apache/beam/vendor/grpc/v1p26p0/io/netty/buffer/PoolArena$1`,
> it does not affect the correctness of the result. The reason is that some
> resources are released asynchronously when Grpc Server is shut down[1] .
> After the UserClassLoader unloads the class, the asynchronous thread tries
> to release the resources and throw NotClassFoundException, but the content
> of the data result has been sent downstream, so the correctness of the
> result will not be affected.
> Regarding the details of the specific causes, I have explained in the
> flink community[2] and the beam community[3], and fixed them in the flink
> community. There will be no such problem in the next version of release
> 1.11.3 and 1.12.0.
> [1]
> https://github.com/grpc/grpc-java/blob/master/core/src/main/java/io/grpc/internal/SharedResourceHolder.java#L150
> [2] https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/FLINK-20284
> [3] https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/BEAM-5397
> Best,
> Xingbo
> Dian Fu <dian0511...@gmail.com> 于2020年11月16日周一 下午9:10写道:
>> Hi Niklas,
>> How can I ingest data in a batch table from Kafka or even better
>> Elasticsearch. Kafka is only offering a Streaming source and Elasticsearch
>> isn't offering a source at all.
>> The only workaround which comes to my mind is to use the Kafka streaming
>> source and to apply a single very large window to create a bounded table.
>> Do you think that would work?
>> Are there other options available? Maybe converting a Stream to a
>> bounded table is somehow possible? Thank you!
>> I think you are right that Kafka still doesn't support batch and there is
>> no ES source for now. Another option is you could load the data into a
>> connector which supports batch. Not sure if anybody else has a better idea
>> about this.
>> I found one cause of this problem and it was mixing a Scala 2.12 Flink
>> installation with PyFlink, which has some 2.11 jars in its opt folder. I
>> think the JVM just skipped the class definitions, because they weren't
>> compatible. I actually wasn't aware of the fact that PyFlink comes with
>> prebuilt jar dependencies. If PyFlink is only compatible with Scala 2.11 it
>> would make sense to point that out in the documentation. I think I never
>> read that and it might be missing. Unfortunately there is still one
>> Exception showing up at the very end of the job in the taskmanager log. I
>> did the verification you asked for and the class is present in both jar
>> files. The one which comes with Flink in the opt folder and the one of
>> PyFlink. You can find the log attached.
>> I think the main question is which jar file has be loaded in in the three
>> envronments (executor, jobmanager, taskmanager). Is it fine to not put the
>> flink-python_2.11-1.12.0.jar into the lib folder in the jobmanager and
>> taskmanager? Will it somehow be transferred by PyFlink to the jobmanager
>> and taskmanager?
>> PyFlink comes with the built-in jars such as
>> flink-python_2.11-1.12.0.jar, flink-dist_2.11-1.12.0.jar, etc and so you
>> don't need to manually add them(also shouldn't do that). Could you remove
>> the duplicate jars and try it again?
>> No I don't think that there are additional exceptions besides
>> "org.apache.beam.vendor.grpc.v1p26p0.io.grpc.StatusRuntimeException", but
>> maybe take a look in the attached log files. This problem could be related
>> to 2., maybe the root cause is a class loading issue as well. What do you
>> think? You can find attached three log files. One for the executor, the
>> jobmanager and the taskmanager. Maybe you can find something useful.
>> I found one similar issue at Beam side:
>> https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/BEAM-6258 which has been resolved
>> long time ago. I'm still trying to reproduce this issue and will let you
>> know if there is any progress. (Would be great if you could help to provide
>> an example which could easily reproduce this issue)
>> This was very helpful. I was able to implement it. There is only one
>> detail missing. Is it possible to UNNEST an array of Rows or tuples? It
>> would be really great if I would be able to return a list with multiple
>> fields. Currently I'm just putting multiple value into a single VARCHAR,
>> but that means the information needs to be extracted later on. Maybe you
>> have an idea how to avoid that.
>> Currently, Pandas UDAF still doesn't support complex type and so I'm
>> afraid that you have to put multiple values into a single VARCHAR for now.
>> Regards,
>> Dian
>> 在 2020年11月16日,上午2:46,Niklas Wilcke <niklas.wil...@uniberg.com> 写道:
>> Hi Dian,
>> this was very helpful again. To the old questions I will answer inline as
>> well. Unfortunately also one new question popped up.
>> How can I ingest data in a batch table from Kafka or even better
>> Elasticsearch. Kafka is only offering a Streaming source and Elasticsearch
>> isn't offering a source at all.
>> The only workaround which comes to my mind is to use the Kafka streaming
>> source and to apply a single very large window to create a bounded table.
>> Do you think that would work?
>> Are there other options available? Maybe converting a Stream to a
>> bounded table is somehow possible? Thank you!
>> Kind Regards,
>> Niklas
>> On 13. Nov 2020, at 16:07, Dian Fu <dian0511...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi Niklas,
>> Good to know that this solution may work for you. Regarding to the
>> questions you raised, please find my reply inline.
>> Regards,
>> Dian
>> 在 2020年11月13日,下午8:48,Niklas Wilcke <niklas.wil...@uniberg.com> 写道:
>> Hi Dian,
>> thanks again for your response. In the meantime I tried out your proposal
>> using the UDAF feature of PyFlink 1.12.0-rc1 and it is roughly working, but
>> I am facing some issues, which I would like to address. If this goes too
>> far, please let me know and I will open a new thread for each of the
>> questions. Let me share some more information about my current environment,
>> which will maybe help to answer the questions. I'm currently using my dev
>> machine with Docker and one jobmanager container and one taskmanager
>> container. If needed I can share the whole docker environment, but this
>> would involve some more effort on my side. Here are my five questions.
>> 1. Where can I find connector libraries for 1.12.0-rc1 or some kind of
>> instruction how to build them? I can't find them in the 1.12.0-rc1 release
>> and when I build flink from source, I can't find the connector libraries in
>> the build target. I need flink-sql-connector-elasticsearch7
>> and flink-sql-connector-kafka.
>> You could download the connector jars of 1.12.0-rc1 from here:
>> https://repository.apache.org/content/repositories/orgapacheflink-1402/org/apache/flink/
>> Thanks that worked like a charm!
>> 2. Which steps are needed to properly Setup PyFlink? I followed the
>> instructions, but I always get some ClassNotFoundExceptions for some Beam
>> related classes in the taskmanager. The job still works fine, but this
>> doesn't look good to me. It happens in 1.11.2 and in 1.12.0-rc1. I tried to
>> resolve this by adding certain jars, but I wasn't able to fix it. Maybe you
>> have an idea. You can find the Dockerfile attached, which lines out the
>> steps I'm currently using. The Exceptions signature looks like this.
>>    Exception in thread "grpc-nio-worker-ELG-3-2"
>> java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError:
>> org/apache/beam/vendor/grpc/v1p26p0/io/netty/buffer/PoolArena$1
>> Usually there is nothing specially need to do to set up PyFlink. I have
>> manually checked that this class should be there(inside
>> flink-python_2.11-1.12.0.jar) and so guess if it's because you environment
>> isn't clean enough?
>> I guess you could check the following things:
>> 1) Is it because you have installed 1.11.2 before and so the environment
>> is not clean enough? Could you uninstall PyFlink 1.11.2 manually and
>> reinstall PyFlink 1.12.0-rc1 again? You could also manually check that
>> there should be only one flink-python*.jar under directory
>> xxx/site-packages/pyflink/opt/
>> 2) Verify that the class is actually there by the following command:
>> (flink-python_2.11-1.12.0.jar is under directory
>> xxx/site-packages/pyflink/opt/)
>> jar tf flink-python_2.11-1.12.0.jar | grep
>> "org/apache/beam/vendor/grpc/v1p26p0/io/netty/buffer/PoolArena"
>> 3) If this exception still happens, could you share the exception stack?
>> I found one cause of this problem and it was mixing a Scala 2.12 Flink
>> installation with PyFlink, which has some 2.11 jars in its opt folder. I
>> think the JVM just skipped the class definitions, because they weren't
>> compatible. I actually wasn't aware of the fact that PyFlink comes with
>> prebuilt jar dependencies. If PyFlink is only compatible with Scala 2.11 it
>> would make sense to point that out in the documentation. I think I never
>> read that and it might be missing. Unfortunately there is still one
>> Exception showing up at the very end of the job in the taskmanager log. I
>> did the verification you asked for and the class is present in both jar
>> files. The one which comes with Flink in the opt folder and the one of
>> PyFlink. You can find the log attached.
>> I think the main question is which jar file has be loaded in in the three
>> envronments (executor, jobmanager, taskmanager). Is it fine to not put the
>> flink-python_2.11-1.12.0.jar into the lib folder in the jobmanager and
>> taskmanager? Will it somehow be transferred by PyFlink to the jobmanager
>> and taskmanager?
>> 3. When increasing the size of the input data set I get the following
>> Exception and the job is canceled. I tried to increase the resources
>> assigned to flink, but it didn't help. Do you have an idea why this is
>> happening? You can find a more detailed stack trace in apendix.
>> Could you check if there are any other exceptions in the log when this
>> exception happens?
>> No I don't think that there are additional exceptions besides
>> "org.apache.beam.vendor.grpc.v1p26p0.io.grpc.StatusRuntimeException", but
>> maybe take a look in the attached log files. This problem could be related
>> to 2., maybe the root cause is a class loading issue as well. What do you
>> think? You can find attached three log files. One for the executor, the
>> jobmanager and the taskmanager. Maybe you can find something useful.
>> 4. I can't manage to get the SQL UNNEST operation to work. It is quite
>> hard for me to debug it and I can't really find any valuable examples or
>> documentation on the internet. Currently instead of creating an ARRAY I'm
>> just returning a VARCHAR containing a string representation of the array.
>> The relevant code you can find in the apendix.
>> There are some examples here:
>> https://github.com/apache/flink/blob/c601cfd662c2839f8ebc81b80879ecce55a8cbaf/flink-table/flink-table-planner-blink/src/test/scala/org/apache/flink/table/planner/runtime/batch/sql/UnnestITCase.scala
>> This was very helpful. I was able to implement it. There is only one
>> detail missing. Is it possible to UNNEST an array of Rows or tuples? It
>> would be really great if I would be able to return a list with multiple
>> fields. Currently I'm just putting multiple value into a single VARCHAR,
>> but that means the information needs to be extracted later on. Maybe you
>> have an idea how to avoid that.
>> 5. How can I obtain the output of the Python interpreter executing the
>> UDF. If I put a print statement in the UDF I can't see the output in the
>> log of the taskmanager. Is there a way to access it?
>> You can use the standard logging in Python UDF instead of print. The log
>> output could then be found in the log of the task manager.
>> Thank you! That worked well. I should have checked that without asking.
>> I hope these aren't too many questions for this thread. If this is the
>> case I can still split some of them out. Please let me know, if this is the
>> case.
>> Thank you very much. I really appreciate your help.
>> It's fine to reuse this thread. :)
>> Kind Regards,
>> Niklas
>> End of the Taskmanager Log for 2.
>> ###################################################################
>> taskmanager_1    | 2020-11-15 17:46:53,438 INFO
>>  org.apache.flink.runtime.taskexecutor.slot.TaskSlotTableImpl [] - Free
>> slot TaskSlot(index:5, state:ACTIVE, resource profile:
>> ResourceProfile{cpuCores=1.0000000000000000, taskHeapMemory=219.333mb
>> (229987662 bytes), taskOffHeapMemory=166.667mb (174762666 bytes),
>> managedMemory=342.933mb (359591667 bytes), networkMemory=85.733mb (89897916
>> bytes)}, allocationId: e5137050c0f1ef5e660311ddf1f3429f, jobId:
>> ba4e3974860af7dc00a28fdfbb44fe06).
>> taskmanager_1    | 2020-11-15 17:46:53,440 INFO
>>  org.apache.flink.runtime.taskexecutor.slot.TaskSlotTableImpl [] - Free
>> slot TaskSlot(index:1, state:ACTIVE, resource profile:
>> ResourceProfile{cpuCores=1.0000000000000000, taskHeapMemory=219.333mb
>> (229987662 bytes), taskOffHeapMemory=166.667mb (174762666 bytes),
>> managedMemory=342.933mb (359591667 bytes), networkMemory=85.733mb (89897916
>> bytes)}, allocationId: 541ad3e383fb9c024141f2bab5e8b7fd, jobId:
>> ba4e3974860af7dc00a28fdfbb44fe06).
>> taskmanager_1    | 2020-11-15 17:46:53,442 INFO
>>  org.apache.flink.runtime.taskexecutor.slot.TaskSlotTableImpl [] - Free
>> slot TaskSlot(index:2, state:ACTIVE, resource profile:
>> ResourceProfile{cpuCores=1.0000000000000000, taskHeapMemory=219.333mb
>> (229987662 bytes), taskOffHeapMemory=166.667mb (174762666 bytes),
>> managedMemory=342.933mb (359591667 bytes), networkMemory=85.733mb (89897916
>> bytes)}, allocationId: ef8adb7d879f4072123fe4bc12054c0c, jobId:
>> ba4e3974860af7dc00a28fdfbb44fe06).
>> taskmanager_1    | 2020-11-15 17:46:53,444 INFO
>>  org.apache.flink.runtime.taskexecutor.slot.TaskSlotTableImpl [] - Free
>> slot TaskSlot(index:4, state:ACTIVE, resource profile:
>> ResourceProfile{cpuCores=1.0000000000000000, taskHeapMemory=219.333mb
>> (229987662 bytes), taskOffHeapMemory=166.667mb (174762666 bytes),
>> managedMemory=342.933mb (359591667 bytes), networkMemory=85.733mb (89897916
>> bytes)}, allocationId: db5d62b8c9fe8172fc1883c148b150e8, jobId:
>> ba4e3974860af7dc00a28fdfbb44fe06).
>> taskmanager_1    | 2020-11-15 17:46:53,846 INFO
>>  org.apache.flink.runtime.taskexecutor.slot.TaskSlotTableImpl [] - Free
>> slot TaskSlot(index:0, state:ACTIVE, resource profile:
>> ResourceProfile{cpuCores=1.0000000000000000, taskHeapMemory=219.333mb
>> (229987662 bytes), taskOffHeapMemory=166.667mb (174762666 bytes),
>> managedMemory=342.933mb (359591667 bytes), networkMemory=85.733mb (89897916
>> bytes)}, allocationId: 637d053a0726548c2bc9261fc0e55414, jobId:
>> ba4e3974860af7dc00a28fdfbb44fe06).
>> taskmanager_1    | 2020-11-15 17:46:53,849 INFO
>>  org.apache.flink.runtime.taskexecutor.slot.TaskSlotTableImpl [] - Free
>> slot TaskSlot(index:3, state:ACTIVE, resource profile:
>> ResourceProfile{cpuCores=1.0000000000000000, taskHeapMemory=219.333mb
>> (229987662 bytes), taskOffHeapMemory=166.667mb (174762666 bytes),
>> managedMemory=342.933mb (359591667 bytes), networkMemory=85.733mb (89897916
>> bytes)}, allocationId: cfaa8633b9102e3a509cfc94dd97d38f, jobId:
>> ba4e3974860af7dc00a28fdfbb44fe06).
>> taskmanager_1    | 2020-11-15 17:46:53,851 INFO
>>  org.apache.flink.runtime.taskexecutor.DefaultJobLeaderService [] - Remove
>> job ba4e3974860af7dc00a28fdfbb44fe06 from job leader monitoring.
>> taskmanager_1    | 2020-11-15 17:46:53,851 INFO
>>  org.apache.flink.runtime.taskexecutor.TaskExecutor           [] - Close
>> JobManager connection for job ba4e3974860af7dc00a28fdfbb44fe06.
>> taskmanager_1    | 2020-11-15 17:46:54,371 ERROR
>> org.apache.beam.vendor.grpc.v1p26p0.io.netty.util.concurrent.DefaultPromise.rejectedExecution
>> [] - Failed to submit a listener notification task. Event loop shut down?
>> taskmanager_1    | java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError:
>> org/apache/beam/vendor/grpc/v1p26p0/io/netty/util/concurrent/GlobalEventExecutor$2
>> taskmanager_1    |      at
>> org.apache.beam.vendor.grpc.v1p26p0.io.netty.util.concurrent.GlobalEventExecutor.startThread(GlobalEventExecutor.java:227)
>> ~[blob_p-2cc5d5ac59c7842f512002d81251a3cbfed058cc-e14fe009bc07ddff407ea4c5d74bd4be:1.12.0]
>> taskmanager_1    |      at
>> org.apache.beam.vendor.grpc.v1p26p0.io.netty.util.concurrent.GlobalEventExecutor.execute(GlobalEventExecutor.java:215)
>> ~[blob_p-2cc5d5ac59c7842f512002d81251a3cbfed058cc-e14fe009bc07ddff407ea4c5d74bd4be:1.12.0]
>> taskmanager_1    |      at
>> org.apache.beam.vendor.grpc.v1p26p0.io.netty.util.concurrent.DefaultPromise.safeExecute(DefaultPromise.java:841)
>> [blob_p-2cc5d5ac59c7842f512002d81251a3cbfed058cc-e14fe009bc07ddff407ea4c5d74bd4be:1.12.0]
>> taskmanager_1    |      at
>> org.apache.beam.vendor.grpc.v1p26p0.io.netty.util.concurrent.DefaultPromise.notifyListeners(DefaultPromise.java:498)
>> [blob_p-2cc5d5ac59c7842f512002d81251a3cbfed058cc-e14fe009bc07ddff407ea4c5d74bd4be:1.12.0]
>> taskmanager_1    |      at
>> org.apache.beam.vendor.grpc.v1p26p0.io.netty.util.concurrent.DefaultPromise.setValue0(DefaultPromise.java:615)
>> [blob_p-2cc5d5ac59c7842f512002d81251a3cbfed058cc-e14fe009bc07ddff407ea4c5d74bd4be:1.12.0]
>> taskmanager_1    |      at
>> org.apache.beam.vendor.grpc.v1p26p0.io.netty.util.concurrent.DefaultPromise.setSuccess0(DefaultPromise.java:604)
>> [blob_p-2cc5d5ac59c7842f512002d81251a3cbfed058cc-e14fe009bc07ddff407ea4c5d74bd4be:1.12.0]
>> taskmanager_1    |      at
>> org.apache.beam.vendor.grpc.v1p26p0.io.netty.util.concurrent.DefaultPromise.setSuccess(DefaultPromise.java:96)
>> [blob_p-2cc5d5ac59c7842f512002d81251a3cbfed058cc-e14fe009bc07ddff407ea4c5d74bd4be:1.12.0]
>> taskmanager_1    |      at
>> org.apache.beam.vendor.grpc.v1p26p0.io.netty.util.concurrent.SingleThreadEventExecutor$6.run(SingleThreadEventExecutor.java:1089)
>> [blob_p-2cc5d5ac59c7842f512002d81251a3cbfed058cc-e14fe009bc07ddff407ea4c5d74bd4be:1.12.0]
>> taskmanager_1    |      at
>> org.apache.beam.vendor.grpc.v1p26p0.io.netty.util.internal.ThreadExecutorMap$2.run(ThreadExecutorMap.java:74)
>> [blob_p-2cc5d5ac59c7842f512002d81251a3cbfed058cc-e14fe009bc07ddff407ea4c5d74bd4be:1.12.0]
>> taskmanager_1    |      at
>> org.apache.beam.vendor.grpc.v1p26p0.io.netty.util.concurrent.FastThreadLocalRunnable.run(FastThreadLocalRunnable.java:30)
>> [blob_p-2cc5d5ac59c7842f512002d81251a3cbfed058cc-e14fe009bc07ddff407ea4c5d74bd4be:1.12.0]
>> taskmanager_1    |      at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:748)
>> [?:1.8.0_275]
>> taskmanager_1    | Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException:
>> org.apache.beam.vendor.grpc.v1p26p0.io.netty.util.concurrent.GlobalEventExecutor$2
>> taskmanager_1    |      at
>> java.net.URLClassLoader.findClass(URLClassLoader.java:382) ~[?:1.8.0_275]
>> taskmanager_1    |      at
>> java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:418) ~[?:1.8.0_275]
>> taskmanager_1    |      at
>> org.apache.flink.util.FlinkUserCodeClassLoader.loadClassWithoutExceptionHandling(FlinkUserCodeClassLoader.java:63)
>> ~[flink-dist_2.11-1.12.0.jar:1.12.0]
>> taskmanager_1    |      at
>> org.apache.flink.util.ChildFirstClassLoader.loadClassWithoutExceptionHandling(ChildFirstClassLoader.java:72)
>> ~[flink-dist_2.11-1.12.0.jar:1.12.0]
>> taskmanager_1    |      at
>> org.apache.flink.util.FlinkUserCodeClassLoader.loadClass(FlinkUserCodeClassLoader.java:49)
>> ~[flink-dist_2.11-1.12.0.jar:1.12.0]
>> taskmanager_1    |      at
>> java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:351) ~[?:1.8.0_275]
>> taskmanager_1    |      ... 11 more
>> ###################################################################
>> Logfiles for 3.
>> <large-data-set-taskmanager.log>
>> <large-data-set-jobmanager.log>
>> <large-data-set-executor.log>
>> Dockerfile for question 2.
>> ####################################################################
>> # This image has been build based on the Dockerfile used for the flink
>> image on docker hub.
>> # The only change I applied is that I switched to flink 1.12.0-rc1.
>> FROM flink:1.12.0-rc1-scala_2.12
>> # Install python
>> # TODO: Minimize dependencies
>> RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y \
>>     python3 \
>>     python3-pip \
>>     python3-dev \
>>     zip \
>>   && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/* \
>>   && ln -s /usr/bin/python3 /usr/bin/python \
>>   && ln -s /usr/bin/pip3 /usr/bin/pip
>> # Install pyflink
>> RUN wget --no-verbose
>> https://dist.apache.org/repos/dist/dev/flink/flink-1.12.0-rc1/python/apache_flink-1.12.0-cp37-cp37m-manylinux1_x86_64.whl
>>  \
>>   && pip install apache_flink-1.12.0-cp37-cp37m-manylinux1_x86_64.whl \
>>   && rm apache_flink-1.12.0-cp37-cp37m-manylinux1_x86_64.whl
>> ####################################################################
>> Stack Trace for question 3.
>> ####################################################################
>> Caused by: java.lang.RuntimeException: Failed to close remote bundle
>>         at
>> org.apache.flink.streaming.api.runners.python.beam.BeamPythonFunctionRunner.finishBundle(BeamPythonFunctionRunner.java:368)
>>         at
>> org.apache.flink.streaming.api.runners.python.beam.BeamPythonFunctionRunner.flush(BeamPythonFunctionRunner.java:322)
>>         at
>> org.apache.flink.streaming.api.operators.python.AbstractPythonFunctionOperator.invokeFinishBundle(AbstractPythonFunctionOperator.java:283)
>>         at
>> org.apache.flink.streaming.api.operators.python.AbstractPythonFunctionOperator.checkInvokeFinishBundleByCount(AbstractPythonFunctionOperator.java:267)
>>         at
>> org.apache.flink.table.runtime.operators.python.aggregate.arrow.batch.BatchArrowPythonGroupAggregateFunctionOperator.invokeCurrentBatch(BatchArrowPythonGroupAggregateFunctionOperator.java:64)
>>         at
>> org.apache.flink.table.runtime.operators.python.aggregate.arrow.batch.AbstractBatchArrowPythonAggregateFunctionOperator.endInput(AbstractBatchArrowPythonAggregateFunctionOperator.java:94)
>>         at
>> org.apache.flink.table.runtime.operators.python.aggregate.arrow.batch.BatchArrowPythonGroupAggregateFunctionOperator.endInput(BatchArrowPythonGroupAggregateFunctionOperator.java:33)
>>         at
>> org.apache.flink.streaming.runtime.tasks.StreamOperatorWrapper.endOperatorInput(StreamOperatorWrapper.java:91)
>>         at
>> org.apache.flink.streaming.runtime.tasks.StreamOperatorWrapper.lambda$close$0(StreamOperatorWrapper.java:127)
>>         at
>> org.apache.flink.streaming.runtime.tasks.StreamTaskActionExecutor$1.runThrowing(StreamTaskActionExecutor.java:47)
>>         at
>> org.apache.flink.streaming.runtime.tasks.StreamOperatorWrapper.close(StreamOperatorWrapper.java:127)
>>         at
>> org.apache.flink.streaming.runtime.tasks.StreamOperatorWrapper.close(StreamOperatorWrapper.java:134)
>>         at
>> org.apache.flink.streaming.runtime.tasks.OperatorChain.closeOperators(OperatorChain.java:412)
>>         at
>> org.apache.flink.streaming.runtime.tasks.StreamTask.afterInvoke(StreamTask.java:587)
>>         at
>> org.apache.flink.streaming.runtime.tasks.StreamTask.invoke(StreamTask.java:549)
>>         at org.apache.flink.runtime.taskmanager.Task.doRun(Task.java:722)
>>         at org.apache.flink.runtime.taskmanager.Task.run(Task.java:547)
>>         at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:748)
>> Caused by: java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException:
>> org.apache.beam.vendor.grpc.v1p26p0.io.grpc.StatusRuntimeException:
>> CANCELLED: cancelled before receiving half close
>>         at
>> java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture.reportGet(CompletableFuture.java:357)
>>         at
>> java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture.get(CompletableFuture.java:1908)
>>         at org.apache.beam.sdk.util.MoreFutures.get(MoreFutures.java:57)
>>         at
>> org.apache.beam.runners.fnexecution.control.SdkHarnessClient$BundleProcessor$ActiveBundle.close(SdkHarnessClient.java:458)
>>         at
>> org.apache.beam.runners.fnexecution.control.DefaultJobBundleFactory$SimpleStageBundleFactory$1.close(DefaultJobBundleFactory.java:547)
>>         at
>> org.apache.flink.streaming.api.runners.python.beam.BeamPythonFunctionRunner.finishBundle(BeamPythonFunctionRunner.java:366)
>>         ... 17 more
>> Caused by:
>> org.apache.beam.vendor.grpc.v1p26p0.io.grpc.StatusRuntimeException:
>> CANCELLED: cancelled before receiving half close
>>         at
>> org.apache.beam.vendor.grpc.v1p26p0.io.grpc.Status.asRuntimeException(Status.java:524)
>>         at
>> org.apache.beam.vendor.grpc.v1p26p0.io.grpc.stub.ServerCalls$StreamingServerCallHandler$StreamingServerCallListener.onCancel(ServerCalls.java:275)
>>         at
>> org.apache.beam.vendor.grpc.v1p26p0.io.grpc.PartialForwardingServerCallListener.onCancel(PartialForwardingServerCallListener.java:40)
>>         at
>> org.apache.beam.vendor.grpc.v1p26p0.io.grpc.ForwardingServerCallListener.onCancel(ForwardingServerCallListener.java:23)
>>         at
>> org.apache.beam.vendor.grpc.v1p26p0.io.grpc.ForwardingServerCallListener$SimpleForwardingServerCallListener.onCancel(ForwardingServerCallListener.java:40)
>>         at
>> org.apache.beam.vendor.grpc.v1p26p0.io.grpc.Contexts$ContextualizedServerCallListener.onCancel(Contexts.java:96)
>>         at
>> org.apache.beam.vendor.grpc.v1p26p0.io.grpc.internal.ServerCallImpl$ServerStreamListenerImpl.closedInternal(ServerCallImpl.java:353)
>>         at
>> org.apache.beam.vendor.grpc.v1p26p0.io.grpc.internal.ServerCallImpl$ServerStreamListenerImpl.closed(ServerCallImpl.java:341)
>>         at
>> org.apache.beam.vendor.grpc.v1p26p0.io.grpc.internal.ServerImpl$JumpToApplicationThreadServerStreamListener$1Closed.runInContext(ServerImpl.java:867)
>>         at
>> org.apache.beam.vendor.grpc.v1p26p0.io.grpc.internal.ContextRunnable.run(ContextRunnable.java:37)
>>         at
>> org.apache.beam.vendor.grpc.v1p26p0.io.grpc.internal.SerializingExecutor.run(SerializingExecutor.java:123)
>>         at
>> java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1149)
>>         at
>> java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:624)
>>         ... 1 more
>> ################################################################
>> Code for question 4.
>> ################################################################
>> # UDAF signature
>> @udaf(input_types=[DataTypes.FLOAT(), DataTypes.FLOAT()],
>>      result_type=DataTypes.VARCHAR(10000), func_type='pandas')
>> def forcast(ds_float_series, y):
>> # SQL DDL
>> "create table mySource (ds FLOAT, riid VARCHAR(100), y FLOAT ) with ( ...
>> )"
>> "create table mySink (riid VARCHAR(100), yhatd VARCHAR(10000)) with ( ...
>> )"
>> "INSERT INTO mySink SELECT riid, forcast(ds, y) AS yhat FROM mySource
>> GROUP BY riid"
>> ################################################################
>> On 12. Nov 2020, at 12:53, Dian Fu <dian0511...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi Niklas,
>> Python DataStream API will also be supported in coming release of 1.12.0
>> [1]. However, the functionalities are still limited for the time being
>> compared to the Java DataStream API, e.g. it will only support the
>> stateless operations, such as map, flat_map, etc.
>> [1]
>> https://ci.apache.org/projects/flink/flink-docs-master/dev/python/datastream_tutorial.html
>> 在 2020年11月12日,下午7:46,Niklas Wilcke <niklas.wil...@uniberg.com> 写道:
>> Hi Dian,
>> thank you very much for this valuable response. I already read about the
>> UDAF, but I wasn't aware of the fact that it is possible to return and
>> UNNEST an array. I will definitely have a try and hopefully this will solve
>> my issue.
>> Another question that came up to my mind is whether PyFlink supports any
>> other API except Table and SQL, like the Streaming and Batch API. The
>> documentation is only covering the Table API, but I'm not sure about that.
>> Can you maybe tell me whether the Table and SQL API is the only one
>> supported by PyFlink?
>> Kind Regards,
>> Niklas
>> On 11. Nov 2020, at 15:32, Dian Fu <dian0511...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi Niklas,
>> You are correct that the input/output length of Pandas UDF must be of the
>> same size and that Flink will split the input data into multiple bundles
>> for Pandas UDF and the bundle size is non-determinstic. Both of the above
>> two limitations are by design and so I guess Pandas UDF could not meet your
>> requirements.
>> However, you could take a look at if the Pandas UDAF[1] which was
>> supported in 1.12 could meet your requirements:
>> - As group_by only generate one record per group key just as you said,
>> you could declare the output type of Pandas UDAF as an array type
>> - You need then flatten the aggregation results, e.g. using UNNEST
>> NOTE: Flink 1.12 is still not released. You could try the PyFlink package
>> of RC1[2] for 1.12.0 or build it yourself according to [3].
>> [1]
>> https://ci.apache.org/projects/flink/flink-docs-master/dev/python/table-api-users-guide/udfs/vectorized_python_udfs.html#vectorized-aggregate-functions
>> [2] https://dist.apache.org/repos/dist/dev/flink/flink-1.12.0-rc1/python/
>> [3]
>> https://ci.apache.org/projects/flink/flink-docs-master/flinkDev/building.html#build-pyflink
>> Regards,
>> Dian
>> 在 2020年11月11日,下午9:03,Niklas Wilcke <niklas.wil...@uniberg.com> 写道:
>> Hi Flink Community,
>> I'm currently trying to implement a parallel machine learning job with
>> Flink. The goal is to train models in parallel for independent time series
>> in the same data stream. For that purpose I'm using a Python library, which
>> lead me to PyFlink. Let me explain the use case a bit more.
>> I want to implement a batch job, which partitions/groups the data by a
>> device identifier. After that I need to process the data for each device
>> all at once. There is no way to iteratively train the model unfortunately.
>> The challenge I'm facing is to guarantee that all data belonging to a
>> certain device is processed in one single step. I'm aware of the fact that
>> this does not scale well, but for a reasonable amount of input data per
>> device it should be fine from my perspective.
>> I investigated a lot and I ended up using the Table API and Pandas UDF,
>> which roughly fulfil my requirements, but there are the following
>> limitations left, which I wanted to talk about.
>> 1. Pandas UDF takes multiple Series as input parameters, which is fine
>> for my purpose, but as far as I can see there is no way to guarantee that
>> the chunk of data in the Series is "complete". Flink will slice the Series
>> and maybe call the UDF multiple times for each device. As far as I can see
>> there are some config options like "python.fn-execution.arrow.batch.size"
>> and "python.fn-execution.bundle.time", which might help, but I'm not sure,
>> whether this is the right path to take.
>> 2. The length of the input Series needs to be of the same size as the
>> output Series, which isn't nice for my use case. What I would like to do is
>> to process n rows and emit m rows. There shouldn't be any dependency
>> between the number of input rows and the number of output rows.
>> 3. How do I partition the data stream. The Table API offers a groupby,
>> but this doesn't serve my purpose, because I don't want to aggregate all
>> the grouped lines. Instead as stated above I want to emit m result lines
>> per group. Are there other options using the Table API or any other API to
>> do this kind of grouping. I would need something like a "keyBy()" from the
>> streaming API. Maybe this can be combined? Can I create a separate table
>> for each key?
>> I'm also open to ideas for a completely different approach not using the
>> Table API or Pandas UDF. Any idea is welcome.
>> You can find a condensed version of the source code attached.
>> Kind Regards,
>> Niklas
>> #############################################################
>> from pyflink.datastream import StreamExecutionEnvironment
>> from pyflink.table import StreamTableEnvironment, DataTypes
>> from pyflink.table.udf import udf
>> env = StreamExecutionEnvironment.get_execution_environment()
>> env.set_parallelism(1)
>> t_env = StreamTableEnvironment.create(env)
>> t_env.get_config().get_configuration().set_boolean("python.fn-execution.memory.managed",
>> True)
>> @udf(input_types=[DataTypes.FLOAT(), DataTypes.FLOAT()],
>>     result_type=DataTypes.FLOAT(), udf_type='pandas')
>> def forcast(ds_float_series, y):
>>    # Train the model and create the forcast
>>    yhat_ts = forcast['yhat'].tail(input_size)
>>    return yhat_ts
>> t_env.register_function("forcast", forcast)
>> # Define sink and source here
>> t_env.execute_sql(my_source_ddl)
>> t_env.execute_sql(my_sink_ddl)
>> # TODO: key_by instead of filter
>> t_env.from_path('mySource') \
>>    .where("riid === 'r1i1'") \
>>    .select("ds, riid, y, forcast(ds, y) as yhat_90d") \
>>    .insert_into('mySink')
>> t_env.execute("pandas_udf_demo")
>> #############################################################

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