I am setting up a Flink job that will reload a table in a postgres database 
using the Flink SQL functionality. I just wanted to make sure that given the 
current feature set I am going about this the correct way. I am currently using 
version 1.11.2, but plan on upgrading to 1.12 soon whenever it is finalized.

I have setup a staging table and a final table in a postgres database. My plan 
is to have a Flink application that will truncate the contents of the staging 
table before the job begins using JDBC, run the job to completion, and then 
with JDBC delete/insert into the final table from the staging table in a 
transaction after the job completes.

Is this the expected way to interact with postgres in a batch job like this? Or 
is there some functionality or method that I am missing?

Dylan Forciae

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