I'm trying to setup a Flink 1.12 deployment on a Kubernetes cluster using 
custom Docker images (since the official ones aren't out yet). Since the 
documentation states that "We generally recommend new users to deploy Flink on 
Kubernetes using native Kubernetes deployments", I'm trying out the native 
Kubernetes integration.

At the same time, I'm also trying to move to GitOps where we use a tool like 
Argo CD to keep Kubernetes resources in sync with declarations stored in a Git 
repository. From what I can tell there's no way to do GitOps with native 
Kubernetes deployments, since the Kubernetes resources it produces are 
generated dynamically and are managed via CLI rather than being suitable for 
storage in a Git repository. Is that correct?

Would it be better in my case to just use the standalone Kubernetes deployment 
option and have our CD tool deploy the YAML files listed in Flink's 
documentation via Git? Or should I use the native Kubernetes integration to 
create an initial set of resources in our cluster, export those to a Git 
repository, and then use a GitOps workflow to modify those resources going 
forward rather than using the Flink CLI? In other words, I'd only use the Flink 
CLI to bootstrap the Git repository.

Besides ease of setup, are there any other benefits to the native Kubernetes 
integration compared to standalone deployments?



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