
I'm trying out Flink SQL with the attached docker-compose file.

It starts up and then I create a table with the following statement:

CREATE TABLE mytable_simple (
  `customer_id` INT
) WITH (
  'connector' = 'jdbc',
  'url' = 'jdbc:postgresql://pgusr:pgpwd@postgres/pdgb',
  'table-name' = 'mytable'

However when I try to run this:

select * from mytable_simple;

I get the following error in the client:

[ERROR] Could not execute SQL statement. Reason:
java.lang.ClassCastException: org.codehaus.janino.CompilerFactory cannot be
cast to org.codehaus.commons.compiler.ICompilerFactory

At first I thought it could be an incompatibility issue with the libraries
I was putting in, like the postgres-cdc library version, but even after
leaving only the JDBC libraries in I still get the same error.

It'd be great if you could give me some pointers here.


Sebastián Ramírez Magrí

Attachment: docker-compose.yml
Description: application/yaml

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