
I'm confused about slots communication in same taskmanager.

Assume only one job which running on per-job cluster with parallalism = 6.
Each taskmanager with 3 slot.
There are 6 slot: 
slot 1-1, slot 1-2, slot 1-3,  
slot 2-1, slot 2-2 , slot 2-3

Assume the job has 'KeyBy' operator, thus, eash 'keyby' in each slot will 
distribute data into 
all downstream opeators in every slots.

I know that 
Tasks in the same JVM share TCP connections (via multiplexing) and heartbeat 
messagesThat means:
slot 1-1 , slot 1-2, slot 1-3 share TCP connections communicate with slot 2-1, 
slot 2-2, slot 2-3

My question is:

how about communication type between slot 1-1 and slot 1-2?
by thread-to-thread?
or by network?

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