Also could you please provide the jobmanager log? It could also be that the
underlying failure is somewhere else.

On Thu, Jan 28, 2021 at 10:17 AM Arvid Heise <> wrote:

> Hi Marco,
> In general, sending a compressed log to ML is totally fine. You can
> further minimize the log by disabling restarts.
> I looked into the logs that you provided.
> 2021-01-26 04:37:43,280 INFO  org.apache.flink.runtime.taskmanager.Task
>>                  [] - Attempting to cancel task forward fill -> (Sink: tag
>> db sink, Sink: back fill db sink, Sink: min max step db sink) (2/2)
>> (8c1f256176fb89f112c27883350a02bc).
>> 2021-01-26 04:37:43,280 INFO  org.apache.flink.runtime.taskmanager.Task
>>                  [] - forward fill -> (Sink: tag db sink, Sink: back fill
>> db sink, Sink: min max step db sink) (2/2)
>> (8c1f256176fb89f112c27883350a02bc) switched from RUNNING to CANCELING.
>> 2021-01-26 04:37:43,280 INFO  org.apache.flink.runtime.taskmanager.Task
>>                  [] - Triggering cancellation of task code forward fill ->
>> (Sink: tag db sink, Sink: back fill db sink, Sink: min max step db sink)
>> (2/2) (8c1f256176fb89f112c27883350a02bc).
>> 2021-01-26 04:37:43,282 ERROR
>> []
>> - Error in timer.
>> java.lang.RuntimeException: Buffer pool is destroyed.
> I can see that my suspicion is most likely correct: It first tries to
> cancel the task for some reason and then a later timer will show you the
> respective error. I created the ticket to resolve the issue [1]. There may
> also be an issue of swalled interruption exceptions, which we are looking
> into in parallel.
> However, there is a reason why the task is canceling in the first place
> and we need to find that. I recommend to not have a try-catch block around
> *collector.collect* in *ForwardFillKeyedProcessFunction*. Just have it
> around your user code but not around system calls. This may swallow the
> real cause.
> Are you executing the code in IDE? You may be able to set some breakpoints
> to quickly figure out what's going wrong (I can help then).
> [1]
> On Wed, Jan 27, 2021 at 8:54 AM Arvid Heise <> wrote:
>> Hi Marco,
>> could you share your full task manager and job manager log? We
>> double-checked and saw that the buffer pool is only released on
>> cancellation or shutdown.
>> So I'm assuming that there is another issue (e.g., Kafka cluster not
>> reachable) and there is a race condition while shutting down. It seems like
>> the buffer pool exception is shadowing the actual cause then for yet
>> unknown reasons (this is an issue on its own, but you should be able to see
>> the actual issue in task manager log).
>> Best,
>> Arvid
>> On Tue, Jan 26, 2021 at 5:13 PM Marco Villalobos <
>>> wrote:
>>> Actually, the log I sent in my previous message, shows the only error
>>> that occurred before the buffer pool was destroyed. That
>>> intermittent warning:
>>> 2021-01-26 04:14:33,140 WARN
>>>  org.apache.flink.streaming.connectors.kafka.internal.KafkaFetcher [] -
>>> Committing offsets to Kafka takes longer than the checkpoint interval.
>>> Skipping commit of previous offsets because newer complete checkpoint
>>> offsets are available. This does not compromise Flink's checkpoint
>>> integrity.
>>> 2021-01-26 04:14:33,143 INFO
>>>  org.apache.kafka.clients.FetchSessionHandler                 [] -
>>> [Consumer clientId=consumer-luminai-2, groupId=luminai] Error sending fetch
>>> request (sessionId=936633685, epoch=1) to node 2: {}.
>>> org.apache.kafka.common.errors.DisconnectException: null
>>> I know that probably doesn't help much. Sorry.
>>> On Mon, Jan 25, 2021 at 11:44 PM Arvid Heise <> wrote:
>>>> Hi Marco,
>>>> the network buffer pool is destroyed when the task manager is shutdown.
>>>> Could you check if you have an error before that in your log?
>>>> It seems like the timer is triggered at a point where it shouldn't.
>>>> I'll check if there is a known issue that has been fixed in later versions.
>>>> Do you have the option to upgrade to 1.11.3?
>>>> Best,
>>>> Arvid
>>>> On Tue, Jan 26, 2021 at 6:35 AM Marco Villalobos <
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Hi.  What causes a buffer pool exception? How can I mitigate it? It is
>>>>> causing us plenty of problems right now.
>>>>> 2021-01-26 04:14:33,041 INFO
>>>>>  org.apache.flink.streaming.api.functions.sink.filesystem.Buckets [] -
>>>>> Subtask 1 received completion notification for checkpoint with id=4.
>>>>> 2021-01-26 04:14:33,140 WARN
>>>>>  org.apache.flink.streaming.connectors.kafka.internal.KafkaFetcher [] -
>>>>> Committing offsets to Kafka takes longer than the checkpoint interval.
>>>>> Skipping commit of previous offsets because newer complete checkpoint
>>>>> offsets are available. This does not compromise Flink's checkpoint
>>>>> integrity.
>>>>> 2021-01-26 04:14:33,143 INFO
>>>>>  org.apache.kafka.clients.FetchSessionHandler                 [] -
>>>>> [Consumer clientId=consumer-luminai-2, groupId=luminai] Error sending 
>>>>> fetch
>>>>> request (sessionId=936633685, epoch=1) to node 2: {}.
>>>>> org.apache.kafka.common.errors.DisconnectException: null
>>>>> 2021-01-26 04:14:33,146 INFO
>>>>>  org.apache.flink.streaming.api.functions.sink.filesystem.Buckets [] -
>>>>> Subtask 1 checkpointing for checkpoint with id=5 (max part counter=1).
>>>>> ERROR
>>>>> [] - Error in timer.
>>>>> java.lang.RuntimeException: Buffer pool is destroyed.
>>>>> at
>>>>> ~[flink-dist_2.12-1.11.0.jar:1.11.0]
>>>>> at
>>>>> ~[flink-dist_2.12-1.11.0.jar:1.11.0]
>>>>> at
>>>>> ~[flink-dist_2.12-1.11.0.jar:1.11.0]
>>>>> at
>>>>> org.apache.flink.streaming.runtime.tasks.OperatorChain$BroadcastingOutputCollector.collect(
>>>>> ~[flink-dist_2.12-1.11.0.jar:1.11.0]
>>>>> at
>>>>> org.apache.flink.streaming.runtime.tasks.OperatorChain$BroadcastingOutputCollector.collect(
>>>>> ~[flink-dist_2.12-1.11.0.jar:1.11.0]
>>>>> at
>>>>> org.apache.flink.streaming.api.operators.CountingOutput.collect(
>>>>> ~[flink-dist_2.12-1.11.0.jar:1.11.0]
>>>>> at
>>>>> org.apache.flink.streaming.api.operators.CountingOutput.collect(
>>>>> ~[flink-dist_2.12-1.11.0.jar:1.11.0]
>>>>> at
>>>>> org.apache.flink.streaming.api.operators.TimestampedCollector.collect(
>>>>> ~[flink-dist_2.12-1.11.0.jar:1.11.0]
>>>>> at
>>>>> mypackage.MyOperator.collect(
>>>>> ~[develop-17e9fd0e.jar:?]
>>>>> at mypackage.MyOperator.onTimer(
>>>>> ~[develop-17e9fd0e.jar:?]
>>>>> at
>>>>> org.apache.flink.streaming.api.operators.KeyedProcessOperator.invokeUserFunction(
>>>>> ~[flink-dist_2.12-1.11.0.jar:1.11.0]
>>>>> at
>>>>> org.apache.flink.streaming.api.operators.KeyedProcessOperator.onProcessingTime(
>>>>> ~[flink-dist_2.12-1.11.0.jar:1.11.0]
>>>>> at
>>>>> org.apache.flink.streaming.api.operators.InternalTimerServiceImpl.onProcessingTime(
>>>>> ~[flink-dist_2.12-1.11.0.jar:1.11.0]
>>>>> at
>>>>> org.apache.flink.streaming.runtime.tasks.StreamTask.invokeProcessingTimeCallback(
>>>>> ~[flink-dist_2.12-1.11.0.jar:1.11.0]
>>>>> at
>>>>> org.apache.flink.streaming.runtime.tasks.StreamTask.lambda$null$13(
>>>>> ~[flink-dist_2.12-1.11.0.jar:1.11.0]
>>>>> at
>>>>> org.apache.flink.streaming.runtime.tasks.StreamTaskActionExecutor$1.runThrowing(
>>>>> [flink-dist_2.12-1.11.0.jar:1.11.0]
>>>>> at
>>>>> [flink-dist_2.12-1.11.0.jar:1.11.0]
>>>>> at
>>>>> org.apache.flink.streaming.runtime.tasks.mailbox.MailboxProcessor.processMail(
>>>>> [flink-dist_2.12-1.11.0.jar:1.11.0]
>>>>> at
>>>>> org.apache.flink.streaming.runtime.tasks.mailbox.MailboxProcessor.runMailboxStep(
>>>>> [flink-dist_2.12-1.11.0.jar:1.11.0]
>>>>> at
>>>>> org.apache.flink.streaming.runtime.tasks.mailbox.MailboxProcessor.runMailboxLoop(
>>>>> [flink-dist_2.12-1.11.0.jar:1.11.0]
>>>>> at
>>>>> org.apache.flink.streaming.runtime.tasks.StreamTask.runMailboxLoop(
>>>>> [flink-dist_2.12-1.11.0.jar:1.11.0]
>>>>> at
>>>>> org.apache.flink.streaming.runtime.tasks.StreamTask.invoke(
>>>>> [flink-dist_2.12-1.11.0.jar:1.11.0]
>>>>> at org.apache.flink.runtime.taskmanager.Task.doRun(
>>>>> [develop-17e9fd0e.jar:?]
>>>>> at
>>>>> [develop-17e9fd0e.jar:?]
>>>>> at [?:1.8.0_252]
>>>>> Caused by: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Buffer pool is destroyed.
>>>>> at
>>>>> ~[develop-17e9fd0e.jar:?]
>>>>> at
>>>>> ~[develop-17e9fd0e.jar:?]
>>>>> at
>>>>> ~[develop-17e9fd0e.jar:?]
>>>>> at
>>>>> ~[develop-17e9fd0e.jar:?]
>>>>> at
>>>>> ~[develop-17e9fd0e.jar:?]
>>>>> at
>>>>> ~[develop-17e9fd0e.jar:?]
>>>>> at
>>>>> ~[develop-17e9fd0e.jar:?]
>>>>> at
>>>>> ~[develop-17e9fd0e.jar:?]
>>>>> at
>>>>> ~[develop-17e9fd0e.jar:?]
>>>>> at
>>>>> ~[develop-17e9fd0e.jar:?]
>>>>> at
>>>>> ~[flink-dist_2.12-1.11.0.jar:1.11.0]

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