Hi Marco,

afaik you don't need HADOOP_HOME or core-site.xml.

I'm also not sure from where you got your config keys. (I guess from the
Presto page, which probably all work if you remove hive., maybe we should
also support that)

All keys with prefix s3 or s3p (and fs.s3, fs.s3p) are routed towards
presto [1].

So it should be
s3.access-key: XXX
s3.secret-key: XXX
s3.endpoint: http://aws:4566
s3.path-style-access: true
s3.path.style.access: true (only one of them is needed, but I don't know
which, so please try out)


On Thu, Jan 28, 2021 at 4:58 PM Marco Villalobos <mvillalo...@kineteque.com>

> Hi,
> I got s3a working on localstack. The missing piece of information from
> Flink documentation seems to be that the system requires a HADOOP_HOME and
> core-site.xml.
> Flink documentation states that s3p (presto) should be used for file
> checkpointing into s3. I am using RocksDB, which I assume also means that I
> should use s3p (the documentation was not specific about that).  Is that
> assumption correct?
> However, I cannot get s3p working now.
> I did the following so far:
> I created the s3-fs-presto plugin directory and copied the jar from the
> opt directory there.
> I am not sure where to put the configuration keys though.  The
> documentation states that I can just put in my flink-conf.yaml, but I had
> no success.
> Where do I put the presto configuration keys? Are there any other missing
> steps? Is this something that would only work on an EMR environment with a
> real HIVE running?
> # The S3 storage endpoint server. This can be used to connect to an
> S3-compatible storage
> # system instead of AWS. When using v4 signatures, it is recommended to
> set this to the
> # AWS region-specific endpoint (e.g., http[s]://<bucket>.s3-<AWS-region>.
> amazonaws.com).
> hive.s3.endpoint: http://aws:4566
> # Use HTTPS to communicate with the S3 API (defaults to true).
> hive.s3.ssl.enabled: false
> # Use path-style access for all requests to the S3-compatible storage.
> # This is for S3-compatible storage that doesn’t support
> virtual-hosted-style access. (defaults to false)
> hive.s3.path-style-access: true
> But that also did not work.
> Any advice would be appreciated.
> -Marco Villalobos

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