
There is no out-of-box Flink source/sink connector for this, but it isn't
unheard of that users have implemented something to support what you

One way to possibly achieve this is: in terms of a Flink streaming job
graph, what you would need to do is co-locate the source (which exposes the
endpoint and maintains a pool of open client connections mapped by request
ID), and the sink operators (which receives processed results with the
original request IDs attached, and is in charge for replying to the original
requests). The open client connections need to be process-wide accessible
(e.g. via a static reference), so that when a co-located sink operator
receives a result, it can directly fetch the corresponding client connection
and return a response.

The specifics are of course a bit more evolved; probably need some digging
around previous Flink Forward conference talks to get a better picture.
Hopefully this gives you a starting point to think about.


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