Flink supports Hadoop's FileSystem abstraction, which has an implementation
for FTP:

On Tue, Feb 2, 2021 at 3:43 AM 1095193...@qq.com <1095193...@qq.com> wrote:

> Hi
>  I have investigate the relevant document and code about Flink connector.
> Flink support local filesystem and several pluggable file system which not
> include FTP. Could you give me some suggestions how to make Flink read data
> from FTP. One way I have learned is  implementing  FTP conncector accoring
> to user-defined Sources & Sinks
> <https://ci.apache.org/projects/flink/flink-docs-release-1.12/dev/table/sourceSinks.html>.
> Have any other ways to read data from FTP? Appreciating any suggestions.
> ------------------------------
> 1095193...@qq.com

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