Hello, *Jörn Franke*. 

Thank you for reply.

If I correctly realise your answer, the watermark Flink mechanism should
help me sort events in order I need. So I should dig deeper in that issue. 

For example, I read three topics, make joins and after get two events by the
same user in this order:

event B (time_event: 12:00) -> event A (time_event: 10:00)

And after watermarkering, the situation is another:

A -> B

Can you confirm I move in right way?

And another moment about communicating with clients. Why need I use nosql
DB? I want to use Flink CEP library to build pattern:

- recived event A, 
- then recived Event B, 
- not recived event C after B for 20 minutes

If pattern is completed by user, so I push record to special Kafka topic.
And another system must make a notification to client. I want to get this

Or in fact it's no way to get this result using Flink and CEP lib?

Sorry for disturning you. I have no experience with Flink at all. And now I
want to realise how it compatible with that task.

Yuri L.

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