
How can I co-relate two streams of different types in Flink?
Scenario: In stream1, I have data in pojo with a field user. In stream2, I
have data in a different pojo which also contains the field user. (However,
other than the user field, they have no common field).

Now what I want to do is relate the two streams such that for every event
in stream1, I want to collect events from stream2 where the user is the
same. Both stream1 and stream2 are unbounded.

I tried using
stream1.connect(stream2).process(new CoProcessFunction<Type1, Type2,
Type2>) {
private String user;

public void processElement1(Type1 inp, CoProcessFunction<Type1, Type2,
Type2>.Context ctx, Collector<Type2> out)  {
user = inp.getUser();

public void processElement2(Type2 inp, CoProcessFunction<Type1, Type2,
Type2>.Context ctx, Collector<Type2> out)  {
if (user.equals(inp.getUser())) {

But this works only and only if both elements occur simultaneously.

How can I collect the cases with history? Is using ListState required?
Is there some better way to this in Flink?

Requesting help,

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