
Sorry if this is a duplicate question but I couldn't find any answer to
my question.
I am trying to convert a DataStream<Row> into a Table where the columns in
the Row objects in the DataStream<Row> will become columns of the Table.
Here is how I tried to do it:

//Creating a DataStream of Row type. Let's assume the Row type has 3
// (c1 BIGINT, c2 String, c3 String)
DataStream<Row> rowStream = ....

// Convert it to a Table
Table t = tableEnv.fromDataStream(rowStream)

// Print the table

However, when I print the table it has one column of type Row instead of
three columns (c1, c2, c3).

What I see in the print result is:

| op |                                  f0   |
| +I | +I{c1=1620968140951, ... |

What I would like to see is:

| op |                        c1  |   c2   |    c3   |
|   +I |  1620968140951 |  'foo'  |  'bar'  |

How can I convert the DataStream to a table that has the same columns as
the columns in Row in the DataStream.
Would really appreciate it if anyone can share a code snippet for the above


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