I didn’t tweak any RocksDB knobs. The only thing we did was to increase
managed memory to 12gb which was supposed to help RocksDB according to the
documentation. The rest stays at the defaults. Incremental checkpointing
was enabled as well but it made no difference in performance if we disabled

On Fri, 9 Jul 2021 at 20:43, Maciej Bryński <mac...@brynski.pl> wrote:

> Hi Adrian,
> Could you share your state backend configuration ?
> Regards,
> Maciek
> pt., 9 lip 2021 o 19:09 Adrian Bednarz <adrianbedn...@gmail.com>
> napisał(a):
> >
> > Hello,
> >
> > We are experimenting with lookup joins in Flink 1.13.0. Unfortunately,
> we unexpectedly hit significant performance degradation when changing the
> state backend to RocksDB.
> >
> > We performed tests with two tables: fact table TXN and dimension table
> CUSTOMER with the following schemas:
> >
> > TXN:
> >  |-- PROD_ID: BIGINT
> >  |-- CUST_ID: BIGINT
> >  |-- TYPE: BIGINT
> >  |-- ITEMS: BIGINT
> >  |-- TS: TIMESTAMP(3) **rowtime**
> >
> >  |-- ID: BIGINT
> >  |-- STATE: BIGINT
> >  |-- AGE: BIGINT
> >  |-- SCORE: DOUBLE
> >  |-- PRIMARY KEY: ID
> >
> > And the following query:
> > select state, sum(amount) from txn t JOIN customer FOR SYSTEM_TIME AS OF
> t.ts ON t.cust_id = customer.id group by state, TUMBLE(t.ts, INTERVAL '1'
> >
> > In our catalog, we reconfigured the customer table so that the watermark
> is set to infinity on that side of the join. We generate data in a round
> robin fashion (except for timestamp that grows with a step of 1 ms).
> >
> > We performed our experiments on a single c5.4xlarge machine with heap
> and managed memory size set to 12gb with a blackhole sink. With 2 000 000
> fact records and 100 000 dimension records, a job with heap backend
> finishes in 5 seconds whereas RocksDB executes in 1h 24m. For 400 000
> dimension records it doesn't grow significantly but goes up to 1h 36m (the
> job processes more records after all).
> >
> > We also checked what would happen if we reduced the amount of customer
> ids to 1. Our expectation was that RocksDB will not offload anything to
> disk anymore so the performance should be comparable with heap backend. It
> was executed in 10 minutes.
> >
> > Is this something anybody experienced or something to be expected? Of
> course, we assumed RocksDB to perform slower but 300 eps is below our
> expectations.
> >
> > Thanks,
> > Adrian
> --
> Maciek Bryński

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