I'm wondering if this discussion isn't going in the wrong direction.
It is clear that we cannot support all use-case with the defaults, so let's not try that. We won't find it. And I would argue that is also not their purpose; they are configurable for a reason. I would say the defaults should provide a good experience to users starting out with Flink.

Because, users with heavy workloads don't deploy Flink over night. They approach a production deployment step-by-step, for the very purpose of working out kinks in the configuration/stability. If in this process the default heartbeat configurations ends up being too harsh, /then that is not a problem/. *If *there is sufficient information presented to the user on how to transition to a working setup, that is. So far the purpose of that was the production checklist to some extent, but maybe we should also add a separate page for working under bigger loads.

A far greater issue in my opinion is that users don't get warnings that something is about to go wrong. The heartbeat system right now is fairly binary. It works fine while the configuration is suitable, until it no longer is and everything goes up in flames.

If we were to log warnings if Flink was close to hitting the heartbeat timeout, or even expose metrics for heartbeat round-trip times or similar, I think we could alleviate many concerns that people have.

Or we just provide 2 configs with the distribution, one for starting out, one for more serious workloads. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

On 22/07/2021 13:22, 刘建刚 wrote:
Thanks, Till. There are many reasons to reduce the heartbeat interval and timeout. But I am not sure what values are suitable. In our cases, the GC time and big job can be related factors. Since most flink jobs are pipeline and a total failover can cost some time, we should tolerate some stop-world situations. Also, I think that the FLINK-23216 should be solved to detect lost container fast and react to it. For my side, I suggest reducing the values gradually.

Till Rohrmann <trohrm...@apache.org <mailto:trohrm...@apache.org>> 于2021年7月22日周四 下午5:33写道:

    Thanks for your inputs Gen and Arnaud.

    I do agree with you, Gen, that we need better guidance for our
    users on
    when to change the heartbeat configuration. I think this should
    happen in
    any case. I am, however, not so sure whether we can give hard
    like 5000 tasks, for example, because as Arnaud said it strongly
    depends on
    the workload. Maybe we can explain it based on symptoms a user might
    experience and what to do then.

    Concerning your workloads, Arnaud, I'd be interested to learn a
    bit more.
    The user code runs in its own thread. This means that its
    operation won't
    block the main thread/heartbeat. The only thing that can happen is
    that the
    user code starves the heartbeat in terms of CPU cycles or causes a
    lot of
    GC pauses. If you are observing the former problem, then we might
    about changing the priorities of the respective threads. This
    should then
    improve Flink's stability for these workloads and a shorter heartbeat
    timeout should be possible.

    Also for the RAM-cached repositories, what exactly is causing the
    to time out? Is it because you have a lot of GC or that the heartbeat
    thread does not get enough CPU cycles?


    On Thu, Jul 22, 2021 at 9:16 AM LINZ, Arnaud
    <al...@bouyguestelecom.fr <mailto:al...@bouyguestelecom.fr>>

    > Hello,
    > From a user perspective: we have some (rare) use cases where we use
    > “coarse grain” datasets, with big beans and tasks that do
    lengthy operation
    > (such as ML training). In these cases we had to increase the
    time out to
    > huge values (heartbeat.timeout: 500000) so that our app is not
    > I’m aware this is not the way Flink was meant to be used, but it’s a
    > convenient way to distribute our workload on datanodes without
    having to
    > use another concurrency framework (such as M/R) that would
    require the
    > recoding of sources and sinks.
    > In some other (most common) cases, our tasks do some R/W accesses to
    > RAM-cached repositories backed by a key-value storage such as
    Kudu (or
    > Hbase). If most of those calls are very fast, sometimes when the
    system is
    > under heavy load they may block more than a few seconds, and
    having our app
    > killed because of a short timeout is not an option.
    > That’s why I’m not in favor of very short timeouts… Because in my
    > experience it really depends on what user code does in the tasks. (I
    > understand that normally, as user code is not a JVM-blocking
    activity such
    > as a GC, it should have no impact on heartbeats, but from
    experience, it
    > really does)
    > Cheers,
    > Arnaud
    > *De :* Gen Luo <luogen...@gmail.com <mailto:luogen...@gmail.com>>
    > *Envoyé :* jeudi 22 juillet 2021 05:46
    > *À :* Till Rohrmann <trohrm...@apache.org
    > *Cc :* Yang Wang <danrtsey...@gmail.com
    <mailto:danrtsey...@gmail.com>>; dev <d...@flink.apache.org
    > user <user@flink.apache.org <mailto:user@flink.apache.org>>
    > *Objet :* Re: [DISCUSS] FLIP-185: Shorter heartbeat timeout and
    > default values
    > Hi,
    > Thanks for driving this @Till Rohrmann <trohrm...@apache.org
    <mailto:trohrm...@apache.org>> . I would
    > give +1 on reducing the heartbeat timeout and interval, though
    I'm not sure
    > if 15s and 3s would be enough either.
    > IMO, except for the standalone cluster, where the heartbeat
    mechanism in
    > Flink is totally relied, reducing the heartbeat can also help JM
    to find
    > out faster TaskExecutors in abnormal conditions that can not
    respond to the
    > heartbeat requests, e.g., continuously Full GC, though the
    process of
    > TaskExecutor is alive and may not be known by the deployment
    system. Since
    > there are cases that can benefit from this change, I think it
    could be done
    > if it won't break the experience in other scenarios.
    > If we can address what will block the main threads from processing
    > heartbeats, or enlarge the GC costs, we can try to get rid of
    them to have
    > a more predictable response time of heartbeat, or give some
    advices to
    > users if their jobs may encounter these issues. For example, as
    far as I
    > know JM of a large scale job will be more busy and may not able
    to process
    > heartbeats in time, then we can give a advice that users working
    with job
    > large than 5000 tasks should enlarge there heartbeat interval to
    10s and
    > timeout to 50s. The numbers are written casually.
    > As for the issue in FLINK-23216, I think it should be fixed and
    may not be
    > a main concern for this case.
    > On Wed, Jul 21, 2021 at 6:26 PM Till Rohrmann
    <trohrm...@apache.org <mailto:trohrm...@apache.org>>
    > wrote:
    > Thanks for sharing these insights.
    > I think it is no longer true that the ResourceManager notifies the
    > JobMaster about lost TaskExecutors. See FLINK-23216 [1] for more
    > Given the GC pauses, would you then be ok with decreasing the
    > timeout to 20 seconds? This should give enough time to do the GC
    and then
    > still send/receive a heartbeat request.
    > I also wanted to add that we are about to get rid of one big
    cause of
    > blocking I/O operations from the main thread. With FLINK-22483
    [2] we will
    > get rid of Filesystem accesses to retrieve completed
    checkpoints. This
    > leaves us with one additional file system access from the main
    thread which
    > is the one completing a pending checkpoint. I think it should be
    > to get rid of this access because as Stephan said it only writes
    > information to disk that is already written before. Maybe
    solving these two
    > issues could ease concerns about long pauses of unresponsiveness
    of Flink.
    > [1] https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/FLINK-23216
    > [2] https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/FLINK-22483
    > Cheers,
    > Till
    > On Wed, Jul 21, 2021 at 4:58 AM Yang Wang <danrtsey...@gmail.com
    <mailto:danrtsey...@gmail.com>> wrote:
    > Thanks @Till Rohrmann <trohrm...@apache.org
    <mailto:trohrm...@apache.org>>  for starting this discussion
    > Firstly, I try to understand the benefit of shorter heartbeat
    > IIUC, it will make the JobManager aware of
    > TaskManager faster. However, it seems that only the standalone
    > could benefit from this. For Yarn and
    > native Kubernetes deployment, the Flink ResourceManager should
    get the
    > TaskManager lost event in a very short time.
    > * About 8 seconds, 3s for Yarn NM -> Yarn RM, 5s for Yarn RM ->
    Flink RM
    > * Less than 1 second, Flink RM has a watch for all the
    TaskManager pods
    > Secondly, I am not very confident to decrease the timeout to
    15s. I have
    > quickly checked the TaskManager GC logs
    > in the past week of our internal Flink workloads and find more
    than 100
    > 10-seconds Full GC logs, but no one is bigger than 15s.
    > We are using CMS GC for old generation.
    > Best,
    > Yang
    > Till Rohrmann <trohrm...@apache.org
    <mailto:trohrm...@apache.org>> 于2021年7月17日周六 上午1:05写道:
    > Hi everyone,
    > Since Flink 1.5 we have the same heartbeat timeout and interval
    > values that are defined as heartbeat.timeout: 50s and
    > 10s. These values were mainly chosen to compensate for lengthy
    GC pauses
    > and blocking operations that were executed in the main threads
    of Flink's
    > components. Since then, there were quite some advancements wrt
    the JVM's
    > GCs and we also got rid of a lot of blocking calls that were
    executed in
    > the main thread. Moreover, a long heartbeat.timeout causes long
    > times in case of a TaskManager loss because the system can only
    > recover after the dead TaskManager has been removed from the
    > Hence, I wanted to propose to change the timeout and interval to:
    > heartbeat.timeout: 15s
    > heartbeat.interval: 3s
    > Since there is no perfect solution that fits all use cases, I
    would really
    > like to hear from you what you think about it and how you
    configure these
    > heartbeat options. Based on your experience we might actually
    come up with
    > better default values that allow us to be resilient but also to
    > failed components fast. FLIP-185 can be found here [1].
    > [1] https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/x/GAoBCw
    > Cheers,
    > Till
    > ------------------------------
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