I am afraid jobmanager.sh[1] could not parse the "-D" correctly now.



Robert Cullen <cinquate...@gmail.com> 于2021年8月18日周三 下午10:21写道:

> I have a kubernetes jobmanager deployment that requires parameters be
> passed as command line rather than retrieving values from the flink-config
> map. Is there a way to do this?
> apiVersion: apps/v1
> kind: Deployment
> metadata:
>   name: flink-jobmanager
> spec:
>   replicas: 1 # Set the value to greater than 1 to start standby JobManagers
>   selector:
>     matchLabels:
>       app: flink
>       component: jobmanager
>   template:
>     metadata:
>       labels:
>         app: flink
>         component: jobmanager
>     spec:
>       containers:
>       - name: jobmanager
>         image: apache/flink:1.13.0-scala_2.11
>         args: ["jobmanager", "-Ds3.endpoint=";, 
> "-Ds3.access-key=key", "Ds3.secret-key=secret"]
>         ports
> Robert Cullen
> 240-475-4490

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