> The main concern I have is that concurrent calls from the different pipelines might step on each other in some way

In your current solution this wouldn't happen because you'd actually end up with 3 separate sink operators.

> job1.union(job2).union(job3).addSink(sink)

This is the way to go.

On 23/09/2021 07:21, Antony Southworth wrote:

Firstly, apologies if I commit any faux-pas, I have never used a mailing list before. At least from Googling, reading Flink docs, and searching the mailing list archives for "fan-in" didn't turn up much so hoping someone can enlighten me here.

My use-case is similar to the following:

    DataStream<String> source = env.addSource(new FlinkKinesisConsumer("my-kinesis-stream", ...));    SinkFunction<String> sink = new MyCustomSNSSinkFunction("my-sns-topic", ...);

    // "fan-out" to several paths
    DataStream<String> job1 = source
        .process(new Job1ProcessFunction());

    DataStream<String> job2 = source
        .process(new Job2ProcessFunction());

    DataStream<String> job3 = source
        .process(new Job3ProcessFunction());

    // part I am curious about
    // add the same sink object to each path


Hopefully it's clear, the situation I describe (though I omit a lot of details so please tell me if it's not so, or if any additional details could help).

I couldn't find any examples in my Googling or reading the Flink docs of situations like this, where there are several processing pipelines (`job1`, `job2`, and `job3` in my example code) all feeding in to the same `SinkFunction` object. The API docs don't really mention anything about this case either (again, unless I missed it, in which case please point it out to me :) ).

The main concern I have is that concurrent calls from the different pipelines might step on each other in some way; can anyone confirm or deny that the concern is valid? Should I be using `DataStream.union` first? E.g. like `job1.union(job2).union(job3).addSink(sink)`?

Appreciate any advice people have :)


*Antony Southworth*
Data Engineer - Halter Limited

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