Hi Lei,

RocksDB state-backend's checkpoint is composited by RocksDB's own files 
(unmodified compressed SST format files) and incremental checkpoints means 
Flink does not upload files which were uploaded before. As you can see, 
incremental checkpoints highly depend on the RocksDB's own mechanism to remove 
useless files, which is triggered by internal compaction. You should not care 
too much on the checkpointed data size as your job consuming more and more 
records, moreover the increasing size is actually quite small (from 1.32GB to 

Yun Tang

From: Lei Wang <leiwang...@gmail.com>
Sent: Monday, October 11, 2021 16:16
To: user <user@flink.apache.org>
Subject: Checkpoint size increasing even i enable increasemental checkpoint


The  checkpointed data size became bigger and bigger and the node cpu is very 
high when the job is doing checkpointing.
 But I have enabled incremental checkpointing:  env.setStateBackend(new 
RocksDBStateBackend(checkpointDir, true));

I am using flink-1.11.2 and aliyun oss as checkpoint storage.

Any insight on this?



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