
Sorry for the late reply but most of use were involved in the Flink Forward 
conference. The upgrade strategies for the Kafka sink and source are 
pretty similar. Source and sink do not rely on state migration but leveraging 
Kafka as source of truth.

When running with FlinkKafkaConsumer Mason pointed out correctly that you have 
stop the job with a save point and set 
`setCommittedOffsetsOnCheckpoint(true)` [1].

For the FlinkKafkaProducer it is similar on a final savepoint the producer will 
finalize all pending transactions and submit them to Kafka. The 
KafkaSink can start without the need of any state migration because there 
should not be any pending transactions anymore.

I do not think you must use `allowNonRestoredState` because there shouldn’t be 
any state 
anymore after stopping with a savepoint the source or sink.



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