Hi, I am using flink 1.13.1 to use checkpointing(RocksDB) on s3 with native kubernetes. Passing in this parameter to job -
*-Dfs.s3a.aws.credentials.provider=com.amazonaws.auth.WebIdentityTokenCredentialsProvider* I am getting this error in job-manager logs - *Caused by: com.amazonaws.AmazonClientException: No AWS Credentials provided by WebIdentityTokenCredentialsProvider : com.amazonaws.SdkClientException: Unable to locate specified web identity token file: /var/run/secrets/eks.amazonaws.com/serviceaccount/token <http://eks.amazonaws.com/serviceaccount/token> at org.apache.hadoop.fs.s3a.AWSCredentialProviderList.getCredentials(AWSCredentialProviderList.java:139) ~[?:?]* Describing the pod shows that that volume is mounted to the jobmanager pod. Is there anything specific that needs to be done as on the same EKS cluster for testing I ran a sample pod with aws cli image and it's able to do *ls* on the s3 buckets. Is this related to aws sdk used in Flink 1.13.1, shall I try with recent flink versions. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.