[1] - 
The Broadcast State Pattern | Apache 
The Broadcast State Pattern # In this section you will learn about how to use 
broadcast state in practise. Please refer to Stateful Stream Processing to 
learn about the concepts behind stateful stream processing. Provided APIs # To 
show the provided APIs, we will start with an example before presenting their 
full functionality. As our running example, we will use the case where we have 
a ...

From: Alexey Trenikhun <yen...@msn.com>
Sent: Friday, December 3, 2021 4:33 PM
To: Flink User Mail List <user@flink.apache.org>
Subject: Order of events in Broadcast State

Trying to understand what statement "Order of events in Broadcast State may 
differ across tasks" in [1] means.
Let's say I have keyed function "A" which broadcasting stream of rules, 
KeyedBroadcastProcessFunction  "B" receives rules and updates broadcast state, 
like example in [1]. Let's say "A" broadcasts "rule 1" with name X, then "A" 
(same key) broadcasts "rule 2" with same name X, is there guarantee that 
eventually broadcast state will contain "rule 2" or since there is no ordering, 
B could receive "rule 2", then "rule 1" and broadcast state will end up with 
{X="rule 1"} forever ?


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