

we are trying to get the S3 integration to work for storing checkpoints and 

Our S3 endpoint is self-hosted so we’re not using AWS in particular.


The problem I’m facing is that I’m connecting via HTTPS (443) but I have to 
disable host name verification for now. But I can’t find any configuration 
settings to do so for the S3 connection.

I’ve tried the “security.ssl.verify-hostname: false” setting but it does not 
seem to have any effect on the S3 connection.


So far I’ve only used the s3.presto plugin but it seems that there isn’t a 
suitable setting for the hadoop plugin either.

Also I’m not really sure which plugin is best to be used with our use case, is 
any of those preferred over the other? What are the differences?


The S3 specific settings I’ve set are:


s3.endpoint: <IP>

s3.access-key: <snip>

s3.secret-key: <snip>

s3.path.style.access: true

state.checkpoints.dir: S3://checkpoints-bucket

state.savepoints.dir: S3://savepoints-bucket

security.ssl.verify-hostname: false



Thanks, Tim

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