
I am having continued issues running a StateFun job in an existing Flink 
Cluster. My Flink cluster is using Flink version 1.14.3 and the StateFun job is 
using version 3.2.0 of the java SDK and statefun distribution. I get the 
following error:

Caused by: java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: 

I found the same error in an earlier thread which suggested removing the java 
SDK as a dependency, but I can't do it since I am using it in my StateFun job. 
The error makes sense since when I am looking trough the StateFun source code I 
can't find any package called org.apache.flink.statefun.sdk.reqreply.generated. 
is there some step I am missing in configuring Flink or the job to be able to 
run in an existing cluster without the docker method?



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