
I am trying Greeting example of Flink Stateful Functions playground. According 
to the README.md guide I tried to add previous login location in the state 
after run the example well in my laptop.
I added one more state named "previous_login_location" in UserFn, and print it 
in GreetingsFn. When I build and run again, it complains the following error. 
It seems the system can NOT find the newly added state. 
Question: How to add a new state in this case? How to ensure state evolution? 

Caused by: 
org.apache.flink.statefun.sdk.java.storage.IllegalStorageAccessException: Error 
accessing state previous_login_location; State does not exist; make sure that 
this state was registered.

greeter-functions_1     |       at 

greeter-functions_1     |       at 

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