
Can someone kindly help and take a look at this? It's a major blocker for


On Wed, Mar 2, 2022 at 2:11 PM Prakhar Mathur <prakha...@gojek.com> wrote:

> Hello,
> We recently did a migration of our Flink jobs from version 1.9.0 to
> 1.14.3. These jobs consume from Kafka and produce to respective sinks. We
> are using MemoryStateBackend for our checkpointing and GCS as our remote
> fs. After migration, we found a few jobs that had left join in the SQL
> query started failing where their checkpoint size kept increasing. We
> haven't changed the SQL Query. Following is one of the queries that have
> started failing with the issue mentioned.
> table1.field1,
> table2.field2,
> table2.field3,
> table1.rowtime as estimate_timestamp,
> table2.creation_time as created_timestamp,
> CAST(table2.rowtime AS TIMESTAMP)
> table1
> LEFT JOIN table2 ON table1.field1 = coalesce(
> nullif(table2.field4, ''),
> table2.field5
> )
> AND table2.rowtime BETWEEN table1.rowtime
> AND table1.rowtime + INTERVAL '90' MINUTE
> table2.field6 IS NOT TRUE
> Few data points:
>    - On version 1.9.0 it was running on parallelism of 20, now it is not
>    even able to run on 40.
>    - On version 1.9.0 the max checkpoint size was going up to 3.5 GB
>    during peak hours. Now on 1.14.3, it just keeps on increasing and goes up
>    to 30 GB and eventually fails due to lack of resources.
>    - Earlier in version 1.9.0, we were
>    using org.apache.flink.streaming.connectors.kafka.FlinkKafkaConsumer and
>    now in 1.14.3 we have moved to the new Kafka Source.
> Any help will be highly appreciated as these are production jobs.
> Thanks
> Prakhar Mathur

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