Hi, I am trying it according to the official documentation of 
flink-kubernetes-operator, according to the description in 'Quick Start', when 
I execute the command:
| helm install flink-kubernetes-operator helm/flink-kubernetes-operator |
it returns an error:
| Error: INSTALLATION FAILED: failed to download 
"helm/flink-kubernetes-operator |
Executing 'helm repo list’ returned:

| NAME       URL
bitnami      https://charts.bitnami.com/bitnami
stable        https://kubernetes.oss-cn-hangzhou.aliyuncs.com/charts |
and the command 'helm repo update' has been executed.

But using the commands 'helm search repo flink' and 'helm search repo 
helm/flink-kubernetes-operator' both returned:
| No results found |

Is my repository configured incorrectly? Hope to get your help

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