On Mon, Apr 25, 2022 at 05:15:58PM +0800, Yang Wang wrote:
> Using the pod template to configure the local SSD(via host-path or local
> PV) is the correct way.
> After that, either "java.io.tmpdir" or "process.taskmanager.working-dir" in
> CR should take effect.
> Maybe you need to share the complete pod yaml and logs of failed
> TaskManager.

In our test result, `process.working-dir`, or `process.taskmanager.working-dir`
seem to be ignored. Only `io.tmps.dir` can change how Flink stores
`flink-io-*`, `localState/`, etc.

The following is our test environment:

- configuration:
    io.tmps.dir: /srv/working-dir
    flink-io-*, localState/ are in /srv/working-dir

- configuration:
    process.working-dir: /srv/working-dir
    flink-io-*, localState/ are in /tmp

- configuration:
    process.taskmanager.working-dir: /srv/working-dir
    flink-io-*, localState/ are in /tmp

all other configuration are the same.

> nit: if the TaskManager pod crashed and was deleted too fast, you could
> kill the JobManager first, then you will have enough time to get the logs
> and yamls.

Thanks for the tip.

ChangZhuo Chen (陳昌倬) czchen@{czchen,debian}.org
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