I solved this problem by removing the Hadoop classpath from Flink cluster

On 2022/04/28 09:04:50 Terry Heathcote wrote:
> Hi
> We are running a Flink job that delivers Kafka data to an Iceberg table.
> The job uses the *org.apache.iceberg.flink.CatalogLoader* and
> *org.apache.iceberg.flink.TableLoader
> *interfaces in combination with *org.apache.iceberg.flink.sink.FlinkSink
> the catalog type is Hive.
> We have had success in running multiple jobs to respective tables that are
> stored in the same s3 bucket but recently, when attempting to write to
> tables that are stored in separate s3 buckets, we have run into issues.
> first jobs submitted to the cluster run fine, however, when submitting
> jobs for sink tables with the same name (in separate database schemas and
> s3 buckets), we run into a class cast exception as well as
> an org.apache.hadoop.metrics2.MetricsException error stating: Metrics
> source S3AMetrics{bucket-name} already exists!
> Attached are both the error logs as well as the main code snippets and pom
> files for better context. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
> The Flink cluster version is 12.7 and we have enabled the
> flink-s3-fs-hadoop jar
> plugin so as to be able to write to s3 files.
> ᐧ

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