Hi, Zain:

The taskmanager.out only contains contents outputted by stdout. Sometimes
some fatal exceptions, like JVM exit exceptions and so on will be outputted
to the .out file. If you don't specify the file path for the gc log, the
content of the gc log will be saved into the .out file, too. However, it's
safe to delete the .out file on the TaskExecutors. Once it's deleted,
another new .out file will be created.


On Sun, May 15, 2022 at 7:05 PM Zain Haider Nemati <zain.hai...@retailo.co>

> Hi,
> I have been running a streaming job which prints data to .out files the
> size of the file has gotten really large and is choking the root memory for
> my VM. Is it ok to delete the .out files? Would that affect any other
> operation or functionality?

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