Hi James,

From reading the thread … I assume, your file:/tmp/Flink/State folder is not 
shared across all machines, right?

In this case it cannot work:
- checkpoints and savepoints need to go to a path that can be commonly accessed 
by jobmanager and all taskmanagers in order to work
- as your jobmanager can not access the checkpoint files of it can also not 
clean-up those files

Hope that helps



From: James Sandys-Lumsdaine <jas...@hotmail.com>
Sent: Tuesday, May 17, 2022 3:55 PM
To: Hangxiang Yu <master...@gmail.com>; user@flink.apache.org
Subject: Re: Checkpoint directories not cleared as TaskManagers run

Thanks for your replay.

To be clear on my setup with the problem:

  *   4 taskmanagers running across different containers and machines. Each 
container has its own filesystem including / and /tmp.
  *   1 jobmanager also running in its own container and machine. Also has its 
own filesystem.
  *   I have configured the FS checkpoint address to be "file:/tmp/Flink/State" 
- therefore each process (JM and TMs) are reading and writing to their own 
/tmp. i.e. there is no shared access like if it was NFS or HDFS.
So when the checkpointing happens the directories are created and populated but 
only the JM's old checkpoint directories and cleaned up. Each of the TM 
/tmp/Flink/State old "chk-x" directories remain and are not cleared up.

From your email I don't know if you think I am writing to a "shared" path or 

I started looking at the in memory checkpoint storage but this has a max size 
with an int so can't have for 5GB of state. I need the checkpointing to trigger 
my sinks to persist (GenericWriteAheadSink) so it seem I have​ to create a 
proper shared file path all my containers can access.

From: Hangxiang Yu <master...@gmail.com<mailto:master...@gmail.com>>
Sent: 17 May 2022 14:38
To: James Sandys-Lumsdaine <jas...@hotmail.com<mailto:jas...@hotmail.com>>; 
Subject: Re: Checkpoint directories not cleared as TaskManagers run

Hi, James.
I may not get what the problem is.
All checkpoints will store in the address as you set.
IIUC, TMs will write some checkpoint info in their local dir and then upload 
them to the address and then delete local one.
JM will write some metas of checkpoint to the address and also do the entire 
deletion for checkpoints.

On Tue, May 17, 2022 at 9:09 PM James Sandys-Lumsdaine 
<jas...@hotmail.com<mailto:jas...@hotmail.com>> wrote:
Some further Googling says on a StackOverflow posting it is the jobmanager that 
does the deletion and not the taskmanagers.

Currently my taskmanagers are writing their checkpoints to their own private 
disks (/tmp) rather than a share - so my suspicion is the jobmanager can't 
access the folder on other machine. I thought the jobmanagers could clear up 
their own state when instructed to by the jobmanager.

I can not yet use an nfs mount in my deployment so I may have to switch to heap 
checkpoint state instead of using the file storage checkpoint system. Now I 
understand what's going on a bit better it seems pointless for me to have file 
checkpoints that can't be read by the jobmanager for failover.

If anyone can clarify/correct me I would appreciate.

From: James Sandys-Lumsdaine
Sent: 16 May 2022 18:52
To: user@flink.apache.org<mailto:user@flink.apache.org> 
Subject: Checkpoint directories not cleared as TaskManagers run


I'm seeing my Flink deployment's checkpoint storage directories build up and 
never clear down.

When I run from my own IDE, I see the only the latest "chk-x" directory under 
the job id folder. So the first checkpoint is "chk-1", which is then replaced 
with "chk-2" etc.

However, when I run as a proper application mode deployment, each of the 4 
taskmanagers running in their own containers retain every one of the "chk-x" 
directories meaning they eat a lot of disk space after as time progresses. 
Interestingly, the jobmanager itself is fine.

Does anyone have any suggestion on how to debug this? Anything obvious that 
would cause such behaviour? I'm currently using Flink 1.14.0.

My set up is essentially below (trimmed for simplicity):

       Configuration conf = new Configuration();

        conf.setBoolean(ConfigConstants.LOCAL_START_WEBSERVER, true);


        final StreamExecutionEnvironment env = 

        env.enableCheckpointing(5 * 1000);

        env.getCheckpointConfig().setMinPauseBetweenCheckpoints(10 * 1000);

        env.setStateBackend(new HashMapStateBackend());


Thanks in advance,


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