Hi All,

It will be of great help if someone can share views.

As per application design. Synchronous access to a stateful fucntion.

  1.  Application will access/invoke a stateful function via a HTTP call.
  2.  Application will wait for an response.
  3.  Once Stateful function completes the execution return the response back 
to the Application.

From: Himanshu Sareen
Sent: Sunday, April 24, 2022 6:59 AM
To: user@flink.apache.org <user@flink.apache.org>
Subject: HTTP REST API as Ingress/Egress


Does flink-statefun support HTTP REST as Ingress ( like Kafka and kinesis )

I'm looking for a fault tolerant solution where an external API can invoke 
stateful function , access state and return response.

We are using python sdk for statefun application


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