
we have some issues with a job using the flink-sql-connector-kafka (flink 
1.15.0/standalone cluster). If one broker e.g. is restarted for maintainance 
(replication-factor=2), the taskmanagers executing the job are constantly 
logging errors on each checkpoint creation:

Failed to commit consumer offsets for checkpoint 50659
 Offset commit failed with a retriable exception. You should retry committing 
the latest consumed offsets.
Caused by: 
 The coordinator is not available.

AFAICT the error itself is produced by the underlying kafka consumer. 
Unfortunately this error cannot be reproduced on our test system.
From my understanding this error might occur once, but follow up checkpoints / 
kafka commits should be fine again.
Currently my only way of “fixing” the issue is to restart the taskmanagers.

Is there maybe some kafka consumer setting which would help to circumvent this?

Kind regards,
Mapp Digital Germany GmbH with registered offices at Dachauer, Str. 63, 80335 
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