Greetings all,

I am trying to deploy Flink jobs using the Flink Kubernetes Operator and I 
would like to have Prometheus scrape metrics from the various pods.

The jobs are created successfully, however, the metrics don't appear to be 

The following steps were followed based on the documentation:

  *   The Prometheus stack is deployed successfully
  *   The Pod Monitor is enabled successfully
  *   The Flink Kubernetes operator is successfully created with following 
configuration is appended to the values.yaml


  port: 9999

  create: true
  append: true
  flink-conf.yaml: |+
    kubernetes.operator.metrics.reporter.prom.port: 9999

  *   The job is deployed with the following added to the flinkConfiguration

"metrics.reporter.prom.port": "9999"

Now on investigation, it does not appear that the metrics port 9999 is opened 
on the containers. The documentation is not very clear where to put the port 
config, but i assumed this what they meant as above. Is this correct? Is there 
another way of opening ports if this is not functioning as intended?

Thanks in advance!



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